Posts by klontart

    Hi Jacob,

    Some suggested checks just to help you find the cause:

    • Try your original setup, but with a different guitar cable.
    • Try your original setup, but with a different guitar.
    • Try your original setup, but set your guitar's volume pot to half level.
    • Try your original setup and check the Output LED when the problem occurs. Does it go into the reds?
    • Try your original setup, but lower the Master Volume to half the original level.
    • Try your original setup, but lower the Volume (the one at the bottom half) instead to half the original level.
    • Try your original setup, but with a different rig selected.

    Oh I quite like the Kemper reverb, it has the ability to sit in the mix, like a spring reverb would. The secret is the Damping parameter, make sure to set that to around 6 or so. When used subtly, around 10% Mix, the reverb almost becomes part of the guitar sound, it gets an acoustic quality, and I love that when playing.

    When recording though I record a dry feed, as everybody else would, and apply studio quality verb in post, to get the right amount for the mix.

    Did you try to use another Cable to remote?

    No I didn't, only have one atm. But since the Profiler is acting up as well I think the Remote and cable are OK. Looks like the Profiler's DSP or FPGA or whatever that does the audio is fine too, but the CPU responsible for screen, responses to button presses and communication with Remote is acting up. And as a result the Remote goes to sleep, because it senses the connection is lost. That's my idea at least.

    Imo the way to go for (commercial) profilers is to eventually only produce Merged profiles, the combination of a Direct amp profile and the speaker/mic part of a Studio profile that was profiled afterwards with the same settings. This way both the amp and speaker/mic get authenticated. People using their own power amp + guitar speaker setup can use the Direct amp part and ignore the speaker/mic bit. All other users can use the full Merged profile, and even have the option to authentically change to speaker/mic captures from other Merged profiles.

    And more crashes in 4.0.5. I've just had 4 crashes in a single 2 hour session here at home.

    When the crash happens, in all cases I was:

    • In Performance mode.
    • Using the Kemper Remote.
    • Using the Morph feature.
    • Playing a beautiful Gretsch.

    In all cases the crash looked like this:

    • Remote becomes unresponsive, does not respond to buttons, screen goes dark and enters sleep mode.
    • Profiler becomes unresponsive, does not respond to buttons.
    • Last selected rig continues to play just fine, so the core engine is still running.
    • Power down using the chicken head knob works, but takes seconds to respond. This suggest that the Profiler *is* listening, but very slowly.

    It must be the guitar. ;)

    Hope this helps,

    TAF Super 1624 Push, Supro Amps Sound awesome
    The Showman from the BM Pack
    The Metropolus Amps from the Wagener Pack
    Also check the Acoustic "Boss AC 3" from the Rig Exchange for Acoustic Guitar Simulations you shouldn't miss them or better take them as…

    Thanks for the TAF Supro suggestion. Sounds great indeed.

    Running 4.0.4 and had a total freeze on both the profiler and pedal. It happened when using the pedal to change rigs in performance mode. The pedal went into some kind of sleep mode, it went dark and a while led in the bottom right of the pedal slowly changed brightness, suggesting sleep, similar to what a Mac does. I hit the bottom right switch on the pedal, it tried to wake up but eventually went back to sleep mode. The profile's leds and LCD were still on, but it refused to respond to knobs. Had to restart the machine.

    Before the freeze, 4.0.4 responded slow on interactions. When turning a knob I noticed that the audio would change, but the display was seriously lagging.

    Gretsch player here, with a couple of pro line guitars and only got the Kemper 2 months ago.
    Purchased a bunch of commercial rigs and looking for magic combinations.

    So far I love the TAF Falcon set, the Dirty Chirley, the JCM800. Especially the clean-to-crunch sounds, on mostly bright and marshally amps.

    I also had this problem and it now seems to be fixed thanks

    Same for me, but with 1.5.46 running on Mac OSX 10.11.15 the problem is back for the first time with this release of Rig Manager. Powered on the Kemper, then woke up the Mac, launched RM and it didn't see the Kemper. Tried couple of times. Reboot of the laptop fixed the problem.

    I also found another problem in RM: I cannot drag a performance from the local library to the Kemper's MyProfiler folder. Copy and paste works. The other way around, drag and drop of a performance from Kemper to local library works though.

    And another issue: I often find myself unable to rename a folder in RM. Select the folder, hit return, the text turns blue ready for typing, and will ignore my input. I can try as much as I like, nothing will change the text. I can unselect and try again, no luck. So far only relaunch of RM helps.

    And yet another one: Pasting a performance (created in RM in the local folder) into the Kemper's MyProfiler performance folder (after having created a new performance) sometimes results in the amp slots being 'rotated' one slot. That is, the original slots 1-5 ended up as 2,3,4,5,1 in the Kemper.

    I also encountered some strange level changes between an rig played in Browser mode, and the same rig played in Performance mode. The latter was much softer in level. Couldn't reproduce so far.