Powered Kemper loss of sound/signal when playing over cabinet

  • Heya,

    I have a problem with my Kemper rig. I'm using a Power Rack Kemper over my 4x12 cab. Today I noticed some serious issues. I lose signal. My usual high-caliber death-metal sound turns into bass-farts. The whole sound muds up and I loose overall volume. At first we thought it was because my TC Electronic Polytune pedal was throwing battery warnings. We tried pluggin the guitar directly to the amp (guitar --> amp --> cab), but the problem persisted. It shows up after a few seconds of playing using a high gain profile, in Performance Mode. Does anyone have any idea what my be causing this and how to fix it?

    I'm going to perform in about a month, and I'd like to have my Kemper firing on all cylinders by then.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Jacob,

    Some suggested checks just to help you find the cause:

    • Try your original setup, but with a different guitar cable.
    • Try your original setup, but with a different guitar.
    • Try your original setup, but set your guitar's volume pot to half level.
    • Try your original setup and check the Output LED when the problem occurs. Does it go into the reds?
    • Try your original setup, but lower the Master Volume to half the original level.
    • Try your original setup, but lower the Volume (the one at the bottom half) instead to half the original level.
    • Try your original setup, but with a different rig selected.