Posts by Apiary

    Ok , that worked in the sense that without that text you can’t really even use the unit to be honest so that’s a must have. It’s still very touchy though you wouldn’t want to bump the knob accidentally

    Not something we usually complain about but my Kemper is too loud. I’m talking loud boy, and no gain or even amp loaded, Christ no, you’d be killed if that were the case.

    I've got the Kemper powered rack and the kemper kone (passive) connected via the speaker output ( there is only one of these) and l should say that this hasn't always been the case. it used to work fine

    It's like its bypassing all volume controls and outputting at full volume as literally no dial 1 turn seems to make any difference

    any suggestions?

    thanks mate - yeah ok ill have a look into that and give it a go. I get worried sending messages from something into the Kemper as I had a bad experience once which has put me off a bit I suppose. I'm not thinking I could plugin some momentaries into the 4 pedal inputs on the remove (ie new functions, not already assigned by anything else) and use those to control It's a bit messy but I suppose that really doesn't matter.

    As fr what you are able to do, I'm pretty sure the stage has one or two more modern connections than mine which I bought on day one almost. I don't know how people are using the remote and the iPad at the same time though I've tried a network cable splitter and even a network to usb cable but no luck. Another solution I thought might work is utilising the looper mode as this is really one of the only things I can think of that changes the state of buttons on the remote temporarily. I've checked and It seems I can resign those controls so that might be a goer too and quite fitting as one thing I won't need to do in this situation is looping because obviously, the computer is doing that.

    The Remote can function with the app running. There are several threads here discussing how to split the signal from the back of the Profiler, add a POE injector and add WiFi to the head and rack.

    The Remote cannot function on its own. It works with the head and rack. Nothing else.

    ok, I thought that would be the case. I'll check those threads out, that might at least solve half of it, if I leave it plugged in (iPad or no iPad) perhaps I could plug something into those 4 TRS inputs in the remove and just use those for midi stuff.

    Get one of these and sell your remote (or keep it for the Rack)

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    I actually did look at this a little while ago, looks nice but I have bought too much recently

    Hi All,

    Apologies if this has been covered but I couldn't see it anywhere (which i found surprising...)

    Im in the market for something that can control DAW actions while with my feet while I'm playing guitar and I thought i'd ask the question before I go out and buy something else, can the Kemper remote be used in standalone more so to speak? ie if i plug it into by network/computer and bypass my Kemper rack will it be operational or even light up? i think the answer is probably no.


    i like using the rig manager on the iPad when I'm in the studio partly because of where the Kemper is positioned in the room and it just works well for me. Unless I'm mistaken, one can't use the remote and the iPad app at the same time anyway as the iPad rig manager requires you to have the Kemper plugged into the network which requires you to unplug the remote which would normally connect via the same network input on the back of the profiler (this is a bit of a pain to be honest).

    The idea

    So i thought, if the remote is just sitting there doing nothing, it would be a great foot controller given all the option's on it and Im very used to using it already.


    1 - Can i use the remote separate to the Kemper rack and/or am I right about only being able to use one at a time in terms of remote/iPad connectivity?

    2 - Is there a hybrid option that is the way to go where I sacrifice say four buttons on the remote for use as DAW functions or can i switch back and fourth between midi more and Kemper mode? (obviously i don't want the Kemper to start switching amps and junk while I'm performing other commands).

    3 - If you've got a different solution you've tried such as a stream pedal and the like I'd be interested in hearing what it is.


    Lastly, if you're one of those losers who seems to enjoy wasting other peoples time not to mention your own by replying with unhelpful comments that have no relevance to the questions i;ve asked you can save your energy as i have already done that for you below:

    I’ve managed to get something working but there is no doubt the menu’s inside output section have changed and as a result I’m sure I can’t quite achieve what I was doing before due to the splitting options. The different types DI, Stack, Mono Left etc are only available on particular outputs. I wish I had a picture of it before. I also don’t really understand terminology of the input type where you choose if you’re ramping or recording because I have to have it NOT on ramping to get what I want. Like I said in my original post, why would DI outputs be available if you were reamping? You’d never use that

    I got something working, had to use the 'Amp Recording' tab instead of the reamping tab which seems counterintuitive but at least i got two tracks. The problem seems to be the choose source for ramping gives you DI & option x, where as thats never really what im after because I've already for the DI. I don;t need to run it in and out again. Like the title of the tasks suggests, im not tracking here, just ramping different sounds, no need for DI to be a feature and we always have a DI out anyway.

    Nah nah, the menu's in the hardware have changed. I don't run the kemper as an interface and doubt i ever will. You now don't get as many choices from the output menu section as you had before. So it doesn't matter what I do on the computer, the output options are the limiting factor unless im mistaking and i really hope i am. This was one of the greatest features of the Kemper, they even made a hand full of videos demonstrating how many different combinations you could export in one play through of the song, which is one of the reasons i bought it.

    I'm happy to learn a new way if there is one but just tell me this, can you (anyone out there) reamp a DI track that getse split up into say, 3 others like: Mod Mono, Stack (cabinet off), Stereo Left?

    Hi All,

    It's taken me some time to post this because I trust Kemper and I know there must be a simople solution but alas, I just can't find it. I watched all the tutorials about recording and reamping with USB audio and I understand all of that and have done it but here is the issue for me, I don't want to use the profiler as my audio interface? Like, am I taking crazy pills or what? I can't find many others wiht this issue and I just can't believe you've all thrown away your focusrites and RME's and plugged your studio monitors directly into the back of the kemper?,,,,

    Nonetheless, thats somehting Im not keen on, ive got a setup here thats works for lots of various purposes just as you all would so thats not changing for remapling.

    Prior to the undate with USB recording provided, I connected both SPDIF cables between my Focusrite 18i20 and the kemper, I would send gtr DI from DAW over digital 1 and on the way back i could record a myriad of different things, due to the SPDIF's capability to do two signals at once, mainly, stack (no cab), mod mono and Stereo left (I think). Wiht the current firmware, I really cant find a way to achieve the same thing, I like to have my kemper plugged into the mac cause i browse the rig manager while im recording, so easy, but as soon as i plug that baby in, the Mac sees it as an audio interface. Are you guys making aggregate devices and thigns like that to get around this? I tried that and had massive problems. The reamping nretween cubase and the kemper wiht the SPDIF cables is instanteneous, Im not sure why we need the usb audio to be nonest. I suppose if you don;t have SPDIF at the other end which is a bit of a bummer.

    Hoping the solution is as easy as it was before. Thank you.

    Hi all,

    I get all of the above and i can do all that is said except I must be missing one thing - I cannot in anyway change the rig without stopping the loop itself.

    i.e. i record a loop, press the looper button to exit the loop mode (reverting buttons 1 - 5 to their normal performance mode so to speak) but then when i change rigs it changes the sound of the loop to the rig recently chosen (yes, my loop position is output). This is not what i want obviously.

    The only way i can get the result is to record the loop, STOP the loop, then exit loop mode and change rig which is obiousbly no good. perhaps i should upload a video showing this for clarity.