Posts by StoicAudio

    Awesome feedback from both sides.

    Just to reiterate, I've tried the Kemper Kabinet before - and to my ear it did not provide a comparable sound as to what was coming out of my Yamaha HS8's (Studio Speakers). I also do not want to use the Impulse Prints as it negates the purpose of me using a Profile imo.

    I've just placed an order for a custom made 2x12 Vertical Cab with F12-X200's. Fingers crossed it delivers what I need :)

    If you want the same sound as you can hear at the FoH, you should go the FRFR way -> X-200.

    If you want a sound of a (virtual) guitar speaker with a little more "feeling" and another sound at the FoH, you should go the GFR and imprints way -> Kone.

    G'Day Gitarrenschlumpf - wondering if you can expand on your comment above?

    I'm currently looking to acquire a live cabinet / speaker which will be (as close as possible) a match for the profile as heard within my DAW. In practice, I would have my Kemper Powered Rack running to the front of house, and I'd like to have something on stage which provides enough sound for the band / myself to hear so not reliant on foldbacks etc.

    The shortlisted products I came back with were:

    • Kemper Kabinet
    • Yamaha DXR15
    • HeadRush FRFR-112
    • Laney LFR-212
    • Empty 2x12 Cabinet fitted w/ Celestion F12-X200
    • Empty 2x12 Cabinet fitted w/ Kemper Kone

    So far, I've tested the Kemper Kabinet and was fairly surprised at how well it handled, but I don't see myself using the speaker imprint functionality which the Kabinet / Kone is known for....

    Noting that I won't be using the adjustable Imprints accessible via the Kone - which would you say is a better option (and why)? Kone or F12-X200?

    Hey Team,

    New to using the effects loop on the Kemper (Powered Rack), but I threw my ISP Decimator II G String (Noise Gate) into the loop (MONO) in order to get rid of some amp hiss when I'm not playing. It's done the job perfectly.... except for when I stop playing there is a 1 second (thereabouts) delay until the Kemper is fully silent.

    I know this isn't going to be an issue with the Decimator because it works on other amps, and its analogue so a delay would suggest processing compensation.


    Loop Mono is in STOP A, Mix 100%, Position = Post, Ducking <0.0>, Volume +0.0.

    Hey Robrecht - Firstly, thankyou so much for putting up such a comprehensive post. I've had a Cymatic Audio LP-16 for a while, and only just started using a Kemper - so this thread is super helpful.

    I'm just wondering, do you know how I would go about cutting the signal (or vastly decreasing the monitor volume) via MIDI? I know there is a Monitor (Output) Volume via CC#73, however I could never get it to work - and last night a moderator confirmed that it doesn't for some reason. He mentioned that NRPN could be used, but the Cymatic doesn't transmit that type I don't believe (see "MIDI Parameter Documentation" document).

    Basically wanting to achieve two things:

    - 1: Completelly fade out at the end of a song while holding a note (more than what the Volume Pedal seems to provide)

    - 2: In sharp distortion sections where I need to completely mute the guitar (thinking that the Tuner feature might help if nothing else will)

    FlyingSnowman Did you ever get this to work? I'm trying to create a MIDI file for Kemper to read and I'd like the Monitor Volume to go from -10db to -30db gradually. Using Cubase I believe I need to input a 'Controller' List item with Data 1 representing CC73 for the Monitor Volume, but I am unsure where to enter in the 0-127 value to control the volume.... I thought it was Data 2, but doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts?

    Hey TonyEoM I've got similar issues.....

    I've had a Cymatic Audio Lp16 for a while now, but since getting a Kemper I figured I'd use the midi switching capacity to change Slots within a Performance.

    When testing it out, I created a midi channel in Cubase and set the Program Changes to #00 (slot 1) through #04 (slot 5), exported the file, loaded it into the Cymatic along with a click track, and found the following issues :

    - Issue 1: Latency. Seems that the Program Changes take time to activate the Kemper. Saw another guy using Protools to trigger the Kemper and he said he needed to factor in a 0.4second latency. Is this normal? If so, any way to figure out the latency?

    - Issue 2: Program Change incorrect. Probably my bigger issue at the moment. It appears that certain Program Changes don't work at all? Hard to judge exactly which ones without doing further testing (due to the latency), but I think that #03 doesn't switch to Slot 4. Again, the same Protools YouTube video had a similar issue. So my question is, are there any references I can use rather than trial and error for hours on end?

    I've had a Cymatic Audio Lp16 for a while now, but since getting a Kemper I figured I'd use the midi switching capacity to change Slots within a Performance.

    When testing it out, I created a midi channel in Cubase and set the Program Changes to #00 (slot 1) through #04 (slot 5), exported the file, loaded it into the Cymatic along with a click track, and found the following issues :

    - Issue 1: Latency. Seems that the Program Changes take time to activate the Kemper. Saw another guy using Protools to trigger the Kemper and he said he needed to factor in a 0.4second latency. Is this normal? If so, any way to figure out the latency?

    - Issue 2: Program Change incorrect. Probably my bigger issue at the moment. It appears that certain Program Changes don't work at all? Hard to judge exactly which ones without doing further testing (due to the latency), but I think that #03 doesn't switch to Slot 4. Again, the same Protools YouTube video had a similar issue. So my question is, are there any references I can use rather than trial and error for hours on end?

    Hey Yoda Guitar sorry to hijack the OG post from lockhart90 but you may be able to help me.

    I've had a Cymatic Audio Lp16 for a while now, but since getting a Kemper I figured I'd use the midi switching capacity to change Slots within a Performance.

    When testing it out, I created a midi channel in Cubase and set the Program Changes to #00 (slot 1) through #04 (slot 5), exported the file, loaded it into the Cymatic along with a click track, and found the following issues :

    - Issue 1: Latency. Seems that the Program Changes take time to activate the Kemper. Saw another guy using Protools to trigger the Kemper and he said he needed to factor in a 0.4second latency. Is this normal? If so, any way to figure out the latency?

    - Issue 2: Program Change incorrect. Probably my bigger issue at the moment. It appears that certain Program Changes don't work at all? Hard to judge exactly which ones without doing further testing (due to the latency), but I think that #03 doesn't switch to Slot 4. Again, the same Protools YouTube video had a similar issue. So my question is, are there any references I can use rather than trial and error for hours on end?