LarzTho Beginner

  • Member since Jan 21st 2021
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  • Since the restrictions have lifted in my city, the gigs have been coming in. Since I had so much down time, I was able learn how to use the Kemper and now since I am free to play live again, I have been using it to the max. Amazing machine.

    Have any of you ever looked at your amp collection, sitting over in the closet, or the other wall in your studio, and wondered when and if you will ever use them again??? I have 9 amps, and a few pre-amps, and decided that maybe I should restore my old pedal board of effects, and go for a drive sometime soon. :(

    The Kemper just has made getting a great tone so easy, and it's there at the tweak of a few settings, or the pressing of a foot switch. So many options at our fingertips!!!!

  • Kemper Profilers rock!!!