jerryk66 Beginner

  • Member since Jan 15th 2017
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  • Dear friends from the forum,

    I'm a beginner with my KPA, and I wonder if you can help me with the following situation.

    I have a Kemper and an Apollo twin solo FW interface connected to an iMac.

    I need to play with headphones (because of usual constraints) and I have discovered that the headphone output from the KPA is great with the space function and therefore much better than the headphone output from the Apollo Twin (which don't have the same space function). I also want to be able to hear sound and music from my Mac through the headphone output of the Kemper when I'm jamming or learning stuff over Youtube. And finally, I want to be able to record the mix of my guitar and backing tracks in my DAW (garage band).

    I hope I'm clear.

    So my question is how should I connect the Kemper, the Apollo interface and my iMac to be able to do what I have described above ?

    Thank you so much in advance for your kind help.
