Ken Goode Beginner

  • Member since Sep 1st 2018
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  • Trying to setup my Kemper for either 4track monitoring or monster 6 track with SPDIF setup. I have all my out put leads for the Kemper to my mixer correct following the Kemper tutorial. And I have my output settings corect using main outs L/R for del/rev/wet my monitor output is stack and my DI out id Git Analog.

    I am using The Power Head studio rack version Kemper. When I Monitor my four tracks through my mixer I get what sounds like a possible static loop, it cuts in and out. I am now trying to eliminate this by figuring out what other setting my monitor out and main out DI out And [Spdif] if I choose to use. In the tutorial its shows all the setting in the out put to use on the bottom of the screen as mention above, but doesn't show the top half of the menu where it shows on all 7 pages the differnt ways to set your out puts and monitor links and others. Can someone possibly guide me through this process as of what needs to stay on or off in these settings as I believe this could be where my problem lies.
