Amp Profiling Questions?

  • Just a thought, I profiled my boogie express in the kitchen while the kettle was on using an SM57 straight into the kpa and it sounds great to me. Good luck with your project.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • All advices seem most worthy to me and here are my "two cents".
    It's most important to make the profiles (D.I., Direct Amp, Studio) at several loudness-levels of the reference amp, just to be prepared for your different life-surroundings.
    It's a huge difference, if you crank a profile being made at a low volume-level to a "live-performing-level" than using a profile which was made at a similar loudness. It is not impossible to get a good or even awesome sound out of the profile, but intending to be most authentic it is recommended to do so. Also tweaking in a live-situation later (small club, big stage, with/without monitoring, a.s.o) is much faster/easier due to the fact that the KPA behaves differently when increasing volume hugely comparing to a tube-amp.
    When profiling at high level, I got better results when positioning the microphone (for me it's mostliy SM57 plus AKG C2000) at more distance to the speaker.
    SM57 roundabout 10-15 cm off axis and AKG roundabout 70-100 cm (depends on the room).
    Also make sure that distortion-sense is set to "0" when profiling (Thanks again HellG for this advice !!!)

    Due to these hints it should be possible to get "your" sound on stage or on "tape".
    Good luck !

  • Alright! So tomorrow is the day I'm planing on profiling my Mark V head through a 2x12 Rectifier cab. I'll be creating a single Studio profile (to capture the cabinet itself) and several DI profiles (of the 3 voicings found on each channel in this amp). I did a quick test earlier today, and got really good results. Actually, I was VERY impressed with the tone I got and how the Kemper reproduced it exactly like how it sounded in my room. This is an incredible piece of gear!

    Anyway, I have a few more questions for you guys. What is the best way to set the levels before profiling? The way I'm going about it includes two mics, a Shure SM-57 into a NEVE type preamp and an AEA R84 into an API preamp, both connected to my Fireface UCX interface. The UCX has a software mixer that offers 0 latency monitoring, so I'm going straight from it into the Kemper's Return Input. However, it is being output at Line level and I assume that the Kemper expects Mic level into its Return jack. In this situation, would it be better to simply lower the Return level (I had to set it to -25dB) in the Kemper? Or should I use a DI box in between to convert the Line level signal into Mic level? I own a couple of the Radial DI boxes, both active and passive.

    Also, I have the Kemper plugged into my Xitone wedge, and that's how I'm monitoring the profiles (since that's what I'll be using live, when performing. What should I set my Master Volume level to in the Kemper?
    Im assuming most people plug the Kemper to their recording studio monitors, so what level do you have your Master Volume set to in that situation (which is basically the same as mine)?

    Lastly, when saving the profile, do I have to go through each and every piece of information (as to the cabinet used, the studio were it was recorded, etc) or can I deal with all those details after saving the profile? If the latter, can I do that in Rig Manager instead? It takes a really long time to do this in the Kemper.

    I just want to make sure I get the best results possible since tomorrow is the only time I'll be able to do this for a while. Any and all advice, besides what has been already been given, is welcome.


  • Anyone?

    I would like to start the profiling process soon, but don't want to get into it just yet in order to avoid having to repeat it due to bad/wrong settings. Your help answering the above questions is much needed. Plus you'll get these profiles for free!! I'm putting them up on the RE :-).