Welcome everybody!

  • hi and welcome everybody to the kemperamps forum. as you can see, this forum is brand new and we're happy to see that a couple of users already found it, although it wasn't officially linked from the main website ;)
    please allow us a couple of days until every detail will run smoothly. if you have urgent questions or problems, please contact kemperamps support by email instead. this way we can help you out quick.
    best, marc

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Welcome to our new customers.
    Thanks for your trust in our product.

    I will be happy to be part of the forum crew, when my work allows that.
    There is still some work to do on features, that could not be finished for the release date.

    This is mainly:
    The Performance Mode,
    Individual browsing of amps and cabinets.

    I hope this is not of any inconvenience for you.

    Talk to you soon!

    Christoph Kemper

  • Thanks to you, Christoph, absolutely a mind blowing product! Kudos for the the great job done!

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff