Power amp distortion

  • I’d like the ability to profile power amp distortion effectively and separately. So we can have profiles with both power and preamp distortion (a current limitation).

    The way I see this working is like merge profiles and would probably require an FX loop on your amp (because this is placed after preamp but before power). So if your amp has an FX loop the during profiling the Kemper would also take the signal from the loop via its own loop out/in to separately profile the preamp and then figure out the difference from the power-amp using a DI speaker like with the merged profiles.

    This would open up the possibility to combine pre and power amps from different amps as well as lift the limitation that stops so:e amps from being profiled.

  • I asked about this once. I think I suggested like a pause phase during profiling so you could get ,pre, power, cab and mic all separate and then add together at the end in different ways. I believe the response I got was they were thinking about it but there was a hardware limitation to overcome because it would be like two or more different profiles at once.