Turning on effect modules with the morph function

  • Hi all,

    I am new to this forum and a newbie to the kemper profiler so I apologize in advance if this issue has already been addressed. I currently have a profile where I engage a green scream and a dual tap delay for leads. These 2 effect modules are programmed to come on and off via effects switch 1 on the kemper. Works flawless. I would however like to engage and disengage these 2 modules simultaneously via the morph function for this profile as I personally find it easier, while playing live, to reach this first layer switch rather than the second layer switch for effects 1. Can't seem to find a video that addresses this or if it is even possible. Any help would be appreciated. Reg:)

  • thanks djdyer,

    I take it the morph function is more there to change parameters than an on off switch for effect modules. I will try this.