Delete function

  • I want to be able to delete a profile when it is loaded, i find tiring to go back to list mode after having checked a profile for a delete.

    I would like to be able by pushing the "UNDO" button during 2sec to bring a dialog box at first plan YES/NO and be able to delete the profile.

  • I know and if you want to check a profile you have to push the load button then you are in the main display again.
    If it sounds bad you have to go back to the list, that's why i want a delete function available in the main display.

    Browsing and checking the profiles in the main display (by using the rig buttons) is more easy and fast.
    If one sounds bad -> delete
    I think that pushing the UNDO button during 2 or 3 sec would be the solution in this case.
    By the way it could be the solution for both mode.
    It could be used for all delete actions.(of course you would have to push it for a few seconds, a brief push will be reserved for the undo action)

    Edited 2 times, last by mba ().

  • +1

    Would be great to be able to select multiple profiles in browse mode and then do things like delete, tag rename (e.g. amp name) for all selected profiles.

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    Great Profiles -->

  • I'd have to agree with mba, there should be a quicker way to delete, specially when trying to clean up lot's of profiles.

    Yes it's a pain in da ass.
    You have to select a profile, then load it...check it...go back in list mode by touching the browse button...because you touched the browse button you are on another profile, so you have to select again the profile, delete the profile, load the next profile, check it, go back..into list etc....
    Damned i wonder if they use the KPA sometimes or if they are german people because alles ist nicht in ordnung. lol

    Edited once, last by mba ().

  • Being able to use a long push of the UNDO button to delete in list mode or main mode would be more simple.
    In this case, no need for the use of a soft knob in list mode which can be used later for something else.

  • +1. Need a quicker way to delete a profile! It would be best if there's a way to delete multiple profiles at once. -Jake

  • I still haven't got my Kemper. But how many profiles do you guys delete on a regular basis? Sounds like a one-time operation :whistling:

    New amp profiles are uploaded all the time to the rig exchange so let's say you try out some new interesting profiles every week or month, then you only want to keep the favorites.
    Or you are profiling your own amps experementing with different mics and have to sort out the good ones.

  • I'd prefer a quicker way to add to favorites. I usually just download a bunch of profiles, go through them and if I feel interested I'll add to favorites. Once I've gone through the list I go into system and delete all non-favorite profiles. The only problem is I have to go through the menus to add to favorites. I'd be happy with an easier way to delete and/or easier way to add to favorites. Neither are particularly hard, but if you are going through a 100 profiles the tediousness of it starts to wear on me.

  • I'd prefer a quicker way to add to favorites. I usually just download a bunch of profiles, go through them and if I feel interested I'll add to favorites. Once I've gone through the list I go into system and delete all non-favorite profiles. The only problem is I have to go through the menus to add to favorites. I'd be happy with an easier way to delete and/or easier way to add to favorites. Neither are particularly hard, but if you are going through a 100 profiles the tediousness of it starts to wear on me.

    There is a easier way to add to favorites: Long press the rig button no menu's to deal with :D

  • For a quicker way to add a rig to Favourites press and hold the rig button. Same way if you don't want the rig as a favourite anymore.

    Edit: I was too slow... :)

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)