Posts by jackk100

    Update: I have Rig Manager iOS working on my iPad via a local access point (and PoE for my remote). I’m getting familiar with the app. Overall, I think it’s going to make it a LOT easier for me to tweak and update rigs and performances during rehearsals.

    One thing that’s sorely missing is the ability to list rigs. I do not see a way to:

    1) view a list of installed rigs when the head is in Browser mode. All I can do is slowly move between them using back/forward buttons, which is impractical with dozens/hundreds of rigs.

    2) select a rig to use for a new slot in a performance. I see no way to get a list.

    3) change the selected rig for a performance slot. Again, I see no way to get a list.

    For the things above, I have to go over to the head and make rig selections there. Not a huge deal, but it’s surprising not to have that built into the iOS app. Or I’m just not seeing it? Feature coming soon?

    I also didn’t see a way to delete an entire performance, only clear the slots and rename it to New Performance (the same end result).

    I love the ability to easily see all of the controls for stomps, effects, etc, and easy to navigate lists for switching to different presets. No more paging through those on the head.

    Same ease of use is there for seeing/changing all rig, input, amp, cabinet and output controls, which is also great (like the desktop app). As is the ease for setting morph settings.

    As others mentioned, there’s no way to add rigs to the head or access Rig Exchange, but that’s understandable to me. I’m ok with having to do that via the USB connection on the head connected to a PC.

    I’ve been researching the pieces required to use Rig Manager iOS with an unpowered head, remote and my iPad Air 2 (and maybe iPhone) in band rehearsals, where I would like to use it to dial in tones, effects and save my changes (to rigs and performances).

    I think I have the additional hardware requirements figured out, but now I’m trying to figure out what shortcomings the iOS app has vs the desktop app. Is there a comparison chart? Does anyone have rehearsal/live experience with it that they could share?

    I’ve found very little on YouTube that shows actual use of the iPad and iPhone apps and very few (and very mixed) reviews in the App Store, which makes it kinda seem like very few people are using it?


    Main Manual 8.5, chapter KEMPER Rig Manager, page 307

    Thanks. I saw mention of Kemper-approved PoE devices, but am not finding such a thing, only various discussions about users trying different things, with varied levels of success.

    Since a solution requires not only a PoE, but also a wifi router (I’d need on stage), a recommended hardware list or something sure would help. Does it exist?

    This does not work for me on a Mac and I sure wish it would. Basically I'd like a way to establish a secondary sort by sorting first by Gain (which groups items by 10-1) and then by name, preserving the Gain grouping.

    Also, side question: is there a way to apply a sort in Rig Manager to the profiles on the profiler?


    I've since found where my unpowered toaster's Power Amp Boost setting is (thanks to the replies here) and will be trying that at our next rehearsal. I had thought that setting only applied to the powered toasters, so that was a bit confusing.

    FYI, after pushing the Power Amp Boost all the way up, the powered Kabinet was plenty loud enough to be heard by our loud drummer behind his kit.

    Per recommendations that I've read, I had the Kabinet turned all the way up and controlled the overall volume using the Master volume on my unpowered toaster, which I did not have to max out.


    If the Gain setting has not been edited by the person who made the Profile, it matches the Gain setting automatically set during the Profiling process.

    I was wondering how that is set automatically. I found this in the manual, saying that it comes from the reference profile used to make the new profile, but if no reference is being used does it get calculated somehow?


    You will notice that the GAIN knob is automatically set to the same (audible) position as the reference amp and the amp volume is the same as the other amp volumes to make it easy to compare different amps. The actual gain range of the PROFILER is probably much larger than your original amp. This means that you can play the new PROFILE from ultra-clean to super-distorted, even if you couldn’t do so on the reference amp itsel

    A gain of 5 on the Kemper rig does not mean that the actual amp was only at halfway point on when it was profiled. I might have been maxed to 10. Just depends on how the profiler saves the rig.

    I've used Plexi type rigs that I know the amp was dimed out but the rig Gain and EQ settings are not dimed and allow you to make your own final adjustments. So, everything depends on how a profiler saves the rig to be distributed.

    Thank you, I think this makes sense to me….

    Basically, the gain setting that we see in a third party profile is set by the person doing the profiling, rather than coming from a measurement done during the profiling process, right? If so, then it’s somewhat arbitrary and up to the author’s discretion?

    If so, then I think that also means that a profile pack that contains multiple rigs for the same amp may or may not contain rigs based on different profiles: the author could just copy their profile, change some settings (including gain) and give it a new rig name OR they could re-profile the amp, using different settings on the amp itself, and include that as a different rig… and we would not know the difference?

    (which is fine with me: like you said, just look for a good sound, at this point I’m mainly curious)


    Hi, probably a noob question, but I’m a noob and searching for “gain” gives me so many results, so here goes …

    I haven’t done any profiling myself. I have various Tone Junkie profile packs. Each pack has different rigs for the same amp, with Gain ranging from low to high. Thus, when I switch between them the Gain knob’s position changes.

    Since different rigs in the same pack have different cabinet and mic combinations, I’m thinking that each rig reflects a separate profile of the amp.

    If so, then I’m thinking that each of those rigs (profiles?) was made with the physical amp set to different gain settings. If so, then I’m unclear of what the profiler’s Gain setting is indicating/controlling.

    Can anyone clarify this for me? Maybe I’m wrong about how the profiling works and each rig in a pack with different gain reflects gain set AFTER the profiling process (and therefore all rigs in the pack are based on a single profile)?



    An amps power is measured to the point of distortion. I think ( but could be wrong) that they measure at 5% THD. Solid state amps stay distortion free until close to destruction then clip aggressively. Therefore, the power rating of a SS amp is pretty accurate.

    Valves on the other hand clip very early on and still provide significant extra power way beyond that level. However. That extra power comes at the cost of too much distortion to qualify as usuable power. Remember that valve amps weren't originally used for rock guitar. Manufacturers were trying to make clean hi-,fi amps so were only interested in how much power they could produce without distorting.

    FWIW, in my initial question/post I mentioned:

    "I have two 100 watt amps (each with 2x12's), neither of which I can turn past 3 before they're too loud at rehearsal"

    One of those is solid state, and is actually 120watt, a Roland JC 120, and the other is a Marshall JCM800 tube amp (100 watt). Both are around the same volume level at 3-ish. My power Kabinet, with the onboard dial maxed wasn't as loud as those at ~3. It's still pretty unclear to me what a 200 watt rating for the powered Kabinet "means", but I didn't expect to have any volume issues.

    I've since found where my unpowered toaster's Power Amp Boost setting is (thanks to the replies here) and will be trying that at our next rehearsal. I had thought that setting only applied to the powered toasters, so that was a bit confusing.

    I bought a powered Kabinet, tried it at a band rehearsal with a real drummer, playing rock/punk style music and with its volume knob up all the way it wasn't really loud enough for him to hear behind his kit, nor really for me to hear well in the loud room. I'm quite confused about this, since I have two 100 watt amps (each with 2x12's), neither of which I can turn past 3 before they're too loud at rehearsal, but the powered Kabinet is 200 watts and maxed at 10 it was not loud enough.

    Am I missing something? How can I get the max volume from the powered Kabinet with my unpowered toaster?

    Thanks in advance!

    Not sure I understand.

    The powered Kabinet has only one input, and no output.

    The regular unpowered Kabinet has a series output you can connect another unpowered Kabinet to.

    No output on the powered Kab.

    Whoops, my bad, thanks for the clarification. I must have been looking at a picture of an unpowered Kab.