Posts by CarloLf

    Mit "Rig 2" und "Rig 5" meinst du die Slots EINER Performance? Ja, hier ist das Verhalten so seit einiger Zeit so. Früher musste man beim Weiterschalten auf einen anderen Slot speichern, wenn man etwas nicht verlieren wollte. Und das ist gut so, wenn man innerhalb einer Performance ändert, testet etc. Jetzt genügt es also zu speichern, wenn man die Performance selber wechselt. Und es kommt auch noch ein Hinweis per Dialog, dass man noch nicht gespeichert hat.

    Revisiting this page (and others): I would be a great thing if we users could read a well sorted, well edited Kemper page of open bugs. Within the user forum here, you see a lot of people reporting things, but these disappear in all the streams (and noise) which you can read day by day (or ignore).

    While I am mostly satisfied with the editor and get mostly the results I want, I also often stumble over weird things, hard to reproduce. And even sometimes the Kemper crashes with an exception. Today, booting my Stage and playing around on my performances, I noticed that a performance I created and edited yesterday just disappeard; it was occupied by the famous "crunch" rig. Maybe I should tell: I booted only the stage, not also the RigManager (because my computer booted Linux).

    All three tags can also be changed via Rig Manager.

    Burkhard, while this is true, I sometimes have difficulities to force(!) RigManager letting me EDIT these fields. I think, there are still some weird bugs in the UI. And then, edited names sometimes do not get saved. The thing about this is what I labelled "sometimes". It is (for me) not really reproducible.

    sorry, you mean "performance", not "program"?

    I found, it is sometimes kinda difficult in the slot windows to change somethings. Often it does not allow to edit, but then, after some retrials, it does. It seems to me, the GUI has some problems responding from input focus to action.

    Es müsste Testpläne mit Use Cases und Workflows geben, sowie Regressionstest und ein eigenes Test Team.(...)

    Das Software Design scheint nicht sehr robust zu sein,

    Diesen Eindruck habe ich auch. Interessant wäre, wenn Kemper offen den ganzen Software-Entwicklungsprozess darstellen würde; auch eine Bug-Datenbank für public Lesezugriffe. Ich habe den Eindruck, in der Kemper Community gibt es viele Software-Entwickler mit breitem Wissen, das sie gerne weiter gäben. Idealerweise wäre eh die Software Open Source...

    Ob die Probleme erst mit dem Stage auftraten, kann ich nicht beurteilen, da ich erst mit dem Stage dabei bin. Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass der Stage hier einen Bruch darstellt; ich denke, die wesentlichsten Hardware-Komponenten und die Kernsoftware hat sich nicht geändert. Mit scheint eher, dass die UI des Editors viele Probleme machte, und hier eventuell "Neuland" betreten wurde.

    Und dann das neue Produkt Kemper Kone. Ich vermute, dass hier zuviel manpower gebunden wurde.

    When you adjust the gain on the Kemper it's not the same as adjusting the gain on the actual amp. Same with bass, mid and treb etc. So you get multiple profiles of the same amp with different settings so you can stay as close to the original as possible.

    Might be true; people have different ears, imaginations and fantasy.

    But as I do not have the real amps - and mostly never ever had - I do not care. Because I am using the Kemper for playing at home and with my cover bands, and never in studio environments, I do not care about some minor settings that come with profile packages. I know, amps with multiple channels produce different sounds for each of them. But when I am just interested in one of them, I do not need 5 or more different profile settings. The base sound of an amp can be clearly differentiated against another turning gain down. This is what I am interested in when trying some profiles. When one of them I really like and use: well then I make my own settings with it on the Kemper. I never used a profile just as it was downloaded (as some people swear about).

    For the last half year - since I own the stage - I tested a lot of profiles from RigExchange and some I bought. Now, I'm the classic rock/blues rock guy, so I'm not interested in high gain / metal profiles. Therefore, I always looked for Marshall, Fender or Vox Profiles and their different clones from the boutique world.

    The one thing I always felt very strange of amp profiles was the multitude of profiles made by the same user of the same amp. Ok, I understand and did it myself: when profiling, you can do it with different settings on your amp, especially if it has two of more channels. But most often, what I usually see and hear is that the sounds mainly differ in gain settings. When I select a profile as a candidate, I often use a profile with low (0 to 3) gain level. I think it is my job when tweaking a profile to set up the gain level to what I need. Often, in performances I use the morphing function, where for lead parts I turn up the gain level of the profile (besides other things).

    So I never chose a profile with mid or higher gain levels. But I find out when playing with these profiles and turning down the gain level to 0..3, I'm just hearing the same sound as those with their sibling profiles where gain was already set up to this level. So I'm wondering: why do people produce so much profiles of an amp? The differences of those profiles only seems to be a question of the gain settings (and some slight different EQ settings on the amp). So, to me, these multitudes of profiles are simply overkill, often annoying to test.

    Another thing I don't like with much profiles: they come with WAH-effect on slots, with (multiple) EQs, with Delays etc. If a profile is not declared as an effect profile, those stomps should just not be there. It is the user's task to make a Rig from a Profile. schon immer sehr viel gain drauf aber dadurch zerrt das Profil nicht wirklich mehr sondan wird extrem undefiniert.

    Das ist auf meine Erfahrung. Bei vielen Profilen ist für meinen Geschmack viel zu viel Gain drauf. Und das macht den Sound harsch, matschig und undefiniert. Ich staunte immer wieder, wie gut ein Amp-Profil nach dem Amp klingt, für das es gemacht wurde, wenn man den Gain richtig runter dreht. Zerre etc. kann ich mit Overdrive, Distortion etc selber nach meinem Gusto hinzufügen.

    Hab kein Kone und KPA Cabinet, also wollte ich die Koneeinstellungen mal mit meiner yamaha DXR10 probieren und hatte keine wirklichen Erwartungen.

    Hab den Sound mit den Studioboxen und Kopfhörern mit der DXR10 im A/B Test verglichen und kann sagen nachdem ich folgende Einstellungen probiert habe, klingt das richtig geil ...

    Jetzt im ersten Test mit der Koneeinstellung hat der Sound richtig Eier, AMP in the Room beschreiben es die meisten.

    Ich habe das mit meiner Headrush-112 auch probiert. Meine Erfahrung: schrecklicher Sound, der Wums meiner Profile löst sich in viel zu viel Brillianz auf. Den Profilen wird ja auch genommen, womit sie gemacht wurden. Von daher gesehen: das Gegenteil von dem, was die Alleinstellung des Kemper ausmacht.

    People make different experiences, obviously. I have a Headrush-112 and never had the impression of too much bass. On the contrary, as you said: "thin and lifeless and very trebly" - depending on the profiles. Mostly, profiles (commercial or free) I tried came with way too much gain (for classic rock sounds), and they seemed muddy, frizzly. I always put down the gain until I hear the real sound of the amp. And this estonishing, what the Kemper is able to do. Then I make my own sound of a profile I may like. Adding some more gain as the clean profile, boost, soft shaper or distortion then makes a good sound for lead. And one other thing I noticed: to sound good, the Headrush must be supplied by enough amp or output volume, or it's own volume must pushed a bit.

    performance issues

    What kind of issues do talk about? Severe problems? Or some minor problems which are easy correctable? I myself do not have severe problems. Two days ago while copying from local library and presets to a performance slot I got a software exception two times, needed to reboot two times my Stage. But finally, I got it to work. So, my impression: in the whole, OS 7.2.2 has no severe problems.

    it remains in the old version.

    on what computer OS are you working?

    One thing shure would be: delete/uninstall the old version. Before, you (sh)could backup the RigManager's private directories. On Windows, the directory ist "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps".

    Most profiles I tried - coming from RigExchange or other free profiles - usually are not what I was looking for. So, garbage them. For the rest I try with same tweaks; first of all: get rid of all effects which are ON by their defaults. Then, I like to hear them with low or no gain: for what I'm searching for is the amps real tones, and these do no show up with to much gain. And often, I turn on more volume on the amp.

    Of course, this is what I as a classic rock player want to hear. For metal fans, this does not apply. Then, if I want an overdriven or distorted sound, I retry with gain up and trying overdrive / distortion. Or go on with compression and / or EQ applied. So in the end, what I am effectivly using in performances is all tweaked for my desires.

    Ich kann mich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren: "Es geht ein Gespenst um in der Kemper-Welt". Und alle, die bislang auf die originale, hundertprozentige Wiedergabe der Amps und Boxen der Profile geschworen haben, meinen jetzt, nur die Kone Speaker bringen es wirklich und echt.

    Ich habe den Eindruck, in den Foren schreiben hauptsächlich tone junkies, ständig hinterher nach dem neuesten Kick. Der es dann erst mal wieder ist, und das muss mit einem Halleluja in die Welt gepostet werden. Bis zum nächsten big thing.