Wanting to use my Avatar 2x12 with a KPA for live use. Which Kemper is best for me?

  • Hey there!
    I am set on buying a Kemper of some sort... whether it be the Powered version or the regular one + a power amp will be a result of which would be best straight into my Avatar 2x12! I see many people using a regular Kemper + a powered monitor, and it seems like some people are using the powered Kemper with a FRFR speaker. I would MUCH prefer to keep my Avatar 2x12. Its been good to me, plus i let another guitarist in my band use it for shows and stuff.
    So what am i best off doing? Buying a powered Kemper and plugging straight into my cab? Or a non-powered one and pairing it with a separate power amp, like a Matrix or something?
    Or will i just never be happy unless i buy an FRFR speaker setup? Please help!

  • What troynova says makes sense to me. I recently chose to buy the non-powered KPA and have run it through the power amp section of tubes amps through an Avatar cab. Sounds great that way. Just remember to turn off the cab sims or it will sound muffled.

  • I see what you guys mean. I guess the biggest issue is... well, i already have the 2x12! Hahaha.... plus, it just seems logical that the power amp Kemper designed SHOULD be the best choice to use with it. Or am i wrong?

  • I think the power amp mostly adds convenience and versatility to performers who play out allot.

    In the long run FRFR is the way to go.
    If you really cannot part with your Avatar cab ATM you could also use a much cheaper poweramp like a magnum until you've tried to go FRFR.

  • So, a regular OR powered Kemper through an frfr is the absolute best? I see everyone talking about this Yamaha Dxr 10 or something like that. But it's just a 10 inch speaker! It can't be loud enough for, say, a metal gig can it?

  • +1

    It also depends if you gig a lot, you need backup or not and your budjet.

    I did 13 gigs with the kemper since the begining of 2013 and never had any issues with the kemper, but i had some with my midi pedalboard, poweramp and cables. So i always need to have backup and bring a pod just in case.

    When i bought the KPA there was no powered option but if i had to rethink my setup i would get the powered KPA for convenience :)

  • So, a regular OR powered Kemper through an frfr is the absolute best? I see everyone talking about this Yamaha Dxr 10 or something like that. But it's just a 10 inch speaker! It can't be loud enough for, say, a metal gig can it?

    I am one user who has pursued and described several methods of amplifying the profiler.
    For example going into the return of a cheap amp like a Fender Mustang III sounds great by all means.
    As well powering the cab of your choice will yield awesome results.
    But it is going FRFR when you get all the subtleties of different rigs, amps and cabs where the profiler really stands out head above the rest.

    As for the Yamaha DXR 10, I have one of them and it is insanely loud. Goes down to 50 Hz and is a true full range.
    You can play everything with it.

  • Here's another question about the powered Kemper... I know it has some bass amp profiles on it. Could I plug my bass into it, hook it up to a bass cab, and gig with it?
    Thank you all so much! You're great!

  • Here's another question about the powered Kemper... I know it has some bass amp profiles on it. Could I plug my bass into it, hook it up to a bass cab, and gig with it?
    Thank you all so much! You're great!

    Of course you can!
    Take a bass cab or an FRFR and go. ;)

  • That is truly awesome! Wow!
    I gotta say though.... I feel a little shaky about the notion of hauling off my speaker cabinet and paying through a PA speaker! Haha I had no idea I was apparently so old fashioned until faced with that prospect! How strange. I guess that for as long as I've played live music, I have been using a tube head through a big bulky guitar speaker cabinet, and it's just hard for me to believe something else out there will work even better! But I'm VERY open to the idea, I want to believe!
    So let's be clear... If I bought a NON POWERED Kemper, and a Yamaha Dxr 10, I could show up at any gig and use it for guitar OR bass... And even though it's just one 10 inch speaker, I would be able to crank the living shit out of it with guitar OR bass, loud enough to keep up with a metal drummer and other guitarists using traditional rigs?
    Haha thanks again guys, make a believer out of me!

  • That is truly awesome! Wow!
    I gotta say though.... I feel a little shaky about the notion of hauling off my speaker cabinet and paying through a PA speaker! Haha I had no idea I was apparently so old fashioned until faced with that prospect! How strange. I guess that for as long as I've played live music, I have been using a tube head through a big bulky guitar speaker cabinet, and it's just hard for me to believe something else out there will work even better! But I'm VERY open to the idea, I want to believe!
    So let's be clear... If I bought a NON POWERED Kemper, and a Yamaha Dxr 10, I could show up at any gig and use it for guitar OR bass... And even though it's just one 10 inch speaker, I would be able to crank the living shit out of it with guitar OR bass, loud enough to keep up with a metal drummer and other guitarists using traditional rigs?
    Haha thanks again guys, make a believer out of me!

    I use a non-powered Kemper with a DXR10 and it works great! I also have an Avatar 2x12 cab with a cheap Rolls solid state amp and did a direct comparison with the DXR10. The Avatar will give you the traditional feel but the nuances of the different profiles (amps) can get lost because it has less fidelity. The DXR10 looks unconventional but if you close your eyes and just play, it feels right.

    The best, but not very practical, setup was to use both the Avatar with cabs off and the DXR10. It presented a huge FRFR sound with the feel of a traditional guitar setup :thumbup: