How can i delete all my favourite rigs ?

  • Did you check if you can do this in an unzipped backup? I'm not sure this moment if there's a separate "favourites" folder but I suggest you check that first before playing the "KPA onboard piano" for a while. :D
    1. Create a backup of your KPA.
    2. Move the backup-file to a PC and rename it to backup... .zip
    3. Open the zip-file and check for a favourite folder or anything else that can be a hint for your favourites
    4. Delete all you want
    5. Re-rename your zip-file to back ... (origin name)
    6. Re-import the the backup into the KPA

    Hope this helps.

  • Thank you very much !!!!
    I tried it many times, but everytime the kemper showed the message that the backup is broken.
    Then i used 7zip and edited the packup without extract it and everything worked!

    Thank you!

  • There's another solution

    If you want to delete all rigs including favourites,
    go to the System settings (to the 1st page), change Owner's name to any different from current one, save it
    after that all favourite rigs automatically become non-favourite
    Remove all rigs as usual (from the system settings, remove All Non-Favourite)