Any more profiles like the 6505+ from Dirk Gooding?

  • I´m really diggin that profile so I wanted to ask if there are any more like these - doesn´t have to be the same amp but just a similar sound and clarity and distortion? I´ve tried a lot of 6505/5150 profiles but so far not to many came close, so any suggestion would be welcome :)

  • sorry mate, I haven't done any other profiles since then - except the killswitch profile which sounds great together with a slightly distorted fender jazz bass.

    The key to a good profile in my opinion is a good recording room. And you should really crank the volume so the cab can move some air =)

  • sorry mate, I haven't done any other profiles since then - except the killswitch profile which sounds great together with a slightly distorted fender jazz bass.

    The key to a good profile in my opinion is a good recording room. And you should really crank the volume so the cab can move some air =)

    Thanks for all the profiles you did already. They are all amongst my favourites. Any chance you´ll do more profiles soon?