JTM-1 into TwoNotes Torpedo C.A.B. and one direct out with no speaker cab

  • I did two profiles of my Marshall JTM-1watt into the Badcat Unleash.

    There is one named: JTM-1H full amp out that is the line out from the Unleash straight into the Kemper so you can use it to run the Kemper output into your favorite IR's host. You don't need power amp simulation with this because the full output of the head is in the profile.

    The other is named: JTM-1H TorpedoCAB Br (supposed to be "JTM-1H TorpedoCAB BritO 2x12 V30"). It is the full output of the JTM-1H into the Badcat Unleash into the TwoNotes TorpedoCAB (power amp sim in Torpedo is off) into the Kemper.

    You can just plug in and play that one like any other profile.

    Hope you like it. It sounds very, very, close to the Torpedo rig I'm using with that head. It also sounds way better than any profile I've made with that head into a real cabinet and mic'ing it to profile.

    I was waiting to do the Marshall SL5 until I get a decent cab and mic to do a 'traditional' profile of it but there is no way I'm going to be able to compete with the Torpedo cabs and mic's.