Simple usb interface suggestions

  • Looking to pick up a new interface to start recording some stuff with the kemper so after some suggestions since its all pretty new to me, I would prefer it to be pretty simple but decent quality, I won't be doing anything too complex but the option for things like s/pdif or midi would be nice but not essential. Has to be usb, I need two XLR or 1/4" TRS outputs for my monitors(pref TRS because I already have the cables but not that big a deal), 1/4" headphone out, both XLR and TRS inputs (those combo ones would be good) and that's about all, some included software would be nice but again not essential. That said, I've only had the kemper for a couple of weeks and only been playing it strait into my monitors so please let me know if I've overlooked anything or there is some features I should be looking for since its pretty new to me, plus some advice on how I should be setting it up would be great as well, the manual makes it seem like I would need to run from the main outs into the interface, which would mean I would need two inputs on the interface? Or would I be able to go strait from the monitor out into an interface with just 1? Sorry if this seems retarded or I've completely missed something, just the manual makes it seem like the monitor out is only for a reference monitor on stage or something and the main outs should be used for an interface, again this is all new to me since I've only used a shit line 6 toneport interface and can only go from what I've gathered from the kemper manual.
    At this point I've mainly been considering the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (or similar, 2i4 or something) or the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6, both seem like they would probably do what I need (unless I'm looking at it wrong again) but I honestly like the look of the NI one a little more, has some extra features that should be handy and included cubace software, but that said its around double the price of the 2i2 here in Aus ($300 vs around $170) and if I never end up using the extra features and the 2i2 does what I need it to do..
    I am also open to almost any other suggestions since I'm happy to admit I know pretty little about interfaces, but I've tried to do some reading online about them and they both seem like good quality simple interfaces, but throw whatever suggestions for different interfaces around that price point (but preferably closer to the 2i2) or experience you've had with either at me.

  • Have a look at the Focusrite Scarlett 6i6, if it still fits with your budget. It has S/PDIF In/Out, MIDI In/Out, MixControl software for zero latency monitor and headphones mixes. The included sequencer software probably works but wouldn't be my first choice for recording and mixing. But that applies to pretty much all bundled basic software versions with other interfaces as well. :)

    I'm sure you'll get a lot of help and advice here to setup your gear as soon as we know what exactly you want to connect and what you want to do. The Kemper Profiler and the above audio interface are flexible enough to have pretty different custom setups. :)


  • because i had terrible problems when switching OS from XP to win7, with the same soundcard (!!!)
    i would google first whether you can find driver problem reports with your operating system.
    after searching quite a bit, i decided to go for the roland quad for my windows 8 64-bit system and
    did not regret it., because the driver is optimized for win8 and - indeed - works fine. latency is 3 ms.

    some other guys (i know three) are happy with focusrites, on Mac OS, as well as on PC. i would recommend those two brands.
    just my 2 cents, ofcourse.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Thanks for the replies, ya it wasn't actually something I had specifically looked into but compatibility with my os was something I had kind of just taken notice of when looking through specs and features etc, just had a quick look about specifics and to be honest I think both the NI and Scarlett should work fine with windows 7 64-bit and I don't plan on going to 8 any time soon really, but I'll keep digging for a bit. And I'll have a look at the roland as well, I think I actually looked at the quad quickly when I was initially looking through the kemper thread on sso before I even got my kemper but forgot about it for a bit, thanks.
    As for the 6i6 I actually initially was looking at that because of the s/pdif and midi before I even found the 2i2 but ended up deciding I was probably better off just saving a bit and getting the 2i2 if it does what I need, but I'll look into it again.