those interested in UnO4Kemper firmware PLEASE READ THIS

  • Hi,

    every now and then there seems to be confusion between the "UnO" firmware and the "UnO4Kemper" firmware. A few people have bought the UnO firmware, thinking they were going to receive an UnO4Kemper chip. Result is obvious disappointment, and in some cases the need to express that disappointment in a rather unpleasant way. I do agree that the naming of those firmware releases is not helpful to avoid confusion. Therefore I'd like to add this note here on the forum to emphasize there are 2 different firmware versions around :

    * "UnO" firmware is based on the original Behringer firmware, but adds stompbox mode and other stuff. It was released somewhere in 2006, and can be ordered at
    * "Uno4Kemper" firmware is created from scratch to turn the FCB1010 into a dedicated KPA controller. It was released earlier this year, in cooperation with Kemper, and has as main purpose to fill the gap until "the real thing" comes along. You know what I mean. The UnO4Kemper firmware (and optionally some dedicated glow-in-the-dark stickers designed and manufactured by forum member Labrat) can be ordered at

    I have removed a cross link from to, and added a specific warning for Kemper users on the website. Along with this forum message, I hope I have done all I could to avoid any further mistakes and frustrations. Happy Kemping to all of you!


    -> <- ( Please forget about ! )

  • They are not even the same site. Do not understand how that would happen unless people have linked to the the other Uno chips in older discussions. When I got mine I did not even realize it was the same site that sold both the chips and the stickers and could have saved a few bucks combining shipping, but that is nobody's fault but my own.

    That is pretty decent of you to make the distinction on here and edit the other site to help prevent future mistakes from others though. I would say though that if they are going through all the effort to make a disclaimer on the other site that they could change the font colour or add a caution/warning header as it does blend in with the rest of the page and could be missed with a rushed or impulse buyer.

  • Got my chip today!! Performance mode, no problems but.. Browser mode, for some reason I'm having problems. Ref, my post in private support forum.. Still, glad to have it.

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Just wanted to voice what an excellent service Xavier has delivered to all guitar players over the years - with his original UNO firmware chip for FCB-1010, then his entire Gordius MIDI Pedal Line (Little Giant,etc) , and now "UNO for Kemper" chip!!

    Fast shipping from Europe to California. Very straight forward, just be sure to review and read exactly what you are ordering! ;)