Damage rigs and usb backup with .txt file

  • Hi, when I updated my KPA, I've got a warning message about some damage rigs and disable. To gave to me the list of this rigs, the update tells me at the end that I can make an USB backup and I might found a .txt file with this list. But when I do this, I can't find this .txt file. So what can I do ? Is it possible to do something to not get this warning message during the next update ? Thanks for your reply.
    Laurent from France

  • Hi Laurent,

    welcome on board! First of all, read again the manual.

    There are many reason for your problems and here a some possible solutions:

    Try to download again the operating system - maybe the file gets damaged when downloading it

    Delete the kaos.bin file on the usb stick and copy it again

    Format the USB stick again with your profiler

    On some operating systems you need to "eject" the USB stick. Update failed is usually a damaged firmware file (which is double checked with checksums).

    I know it sounds weird, but I've found that simply waiting 5 minutes after inserting the USB drive helps sometimes to prevent any issues.

    If nothing from the procedures above are helping, try this one:

    Try putting the chaos.bin directly in the root folder of your USB stick and make sure you don't have a kaos.bin under the OS Update folder.

    Shutdown the KPA, plug your USB in and boot it at the Tuner Position and holding together the Page < and >.

    It will force the update straight from the USB key instead of going through the KPA current firmware.

    You should see right "booting and burning from USB stick"

    Good luck

    Play it like you mean it.