Progressive Experimental Metal with the Kemper

  • Thought I'd post a clip here. This is a song I wrote for you Kemper-maniacs out there, dedicated to that wonderful inventor Mr CK! :thumbup:

    I hope you enjoy the concept, it's like no metal on earth. Yet mysteriously vintage. My own brand 8o

    I used the stock profiles and look forward to refining in future mainly by improving my mixing skills, but also in checking out the best of sounds recommended by all of you. ^^

  • cool stuff , very personal compo , tone (thick multiple layers ??) & style . There are lots of covers here and I really appreciate innovation.

    it sounds like a live recording from the 70's, maybe due to this particular reverb ? What guitar did you use ? The drums are really cool.

  • Thank you, waraba! I love the organic tone of the Kemper, you're right there are too many layers in there, I'll be more judicious in future.

    I'm so bad with recording technology, that the Kemper really seems like an awesome way for at least a part of my idea to be conveyed. If I had some skills though, I'd mix up some modern metal tones with my old school sensibilities ^^

    I used an Ibanez RG1820X with Wilde Bill Lawrence L500XL pickups. That's an awesome hint on what direction to go with reverb, the drums were programmed with Superior Drummer