Output connections

  • Hello,
    I have a question about my Kemper connections.

    How do you connect the main output when you
    - play rigs
    - profile them
    - reamp

    In stereo or in mono?
    In line input or mic input?

    Thank you

  • Your KPA outputs wether from the XLR or TRS connection (both balanced analogue audio) go into your chosen monitoring device. It could be as an example a monitor controller hooked up to your active or passive (via amplifier) speakers, or alternatively into a mixer (control out of the mixer to amp or active speakers). This would allow you to monitor while you are playing or profiling as well as re-amping.
    If re-amping your D.I. signal typically goes from your audio interface/soundcard to your re-amp device, from the re-amp box connect the instrument out to the KPS input (where you would plug your guitar) via an instrument jack. The KPA outputs then go to back to your audio interface for recording and monitoring (careful with loops, turn your monitors down just in case...)
    If you want to use the digital SP/dif bear in mind that the KPA is always the master and your interface is slaved to the KPS incoming clock signal.
    Hope this helps.

  • Thank you.
    I have to connect my kemper to an analogue mixer for profiling so you are saying that the outputs should be connected like a pair of active speakers and not into the lines input, right?

    About mono, is there some difference between left and right outputs?