Coffee Shop/Lounge/Other Things sub-forum

  • Yeah, there's something fascinating in the way the captain of a rugby team which is winning 75-3 will most probably sneak under an ord of screaming, 120-kg wild boars willing to kill him just to not let them score a goal in the last 5' of the second time.

    Generally speaking (I've been an athlete and am currently a professional trainer and performance engineer), where a lot of money goes around there are always agreements under the table to let everyone earn their share. There are usually some rotations ("turns"?) which depend on the (social, political, economical) power of each firm/team owner.
    For example, in the last 20 years a soccer team which had just been listed on the stock market has (almost?) always won the Italian A-league championship.

    As for world soccer championships, there're probably not as many economical interests as in the leading A-leagues worldwide, so chances are that they cheat just a little here and there. But there are for sure rumors about European teams which have offered African teams money to let them pass the first round.

    Professional sport is a business, is a show, and is a job. There's no linearity or consequence between the kids training in a ballpark and any professional league.

  • Yeah, but we should call it entertainment then, just like World Wrestling Entertainment, ergo the World Wrestling Federation.

    I agree with the idea of "elitist" sports being less fair than others. Look at F1. You have to be a millionaire to get behind the wheel of a car, spend money to support the companies participating, pay hundreds of thousands for a licence renewal every year or so.

    And the winners? The guys in the cars where the maximum is spent on research and development? And the losers? Keep racing every year, even if they suck.

    Some of the "poor" drivers on the roads out here could give those guys competition. Like a demolition derby in the US, I kid you not :)

    I'd pay to see a 100-car starting grid where some crashes were inevitable, bwahaha ^^

  • Well, if the requested sub-forum is meant to be totally off-topic (from pancake recipes to Excel scripting to photography to whatever you can imagine) then I certainly vote against it.
    If, on the other hand, the intention is a sub-forum that remains focussed on music related stuff (even in a broader perspective) then I'm all for it.