Bigger sound

  • Hi,

    I have been playing through Adam A7X for a few months now and loving them. Recently I decided to sell my Carvin legacy 3 amp which has been collecting dust.

    I just turned it on to make sure it worked Ok and I realized I really missed the big sound coming out of a 2x12 cab. I had also missed some of the audio experience of the cab and the v30 speakers but I didn't miss what I considered to be an out-of-control sound. The monitors give such a focused and accurate sound.

    Anyway, what should I do with the Kemper to get a bigger sound that will fill a garage? The monitors are good as long as you sit in the sweet spot but once you move around, it isn't the same. Would a 10" PA speaker solve this problem? Do I need two of them? Do I need 12"?

    When I had tried to connect the kemper to a tube amp or my solid state amp through to the V30 2x12, I wasn't happy with the experience. I guess I am looking for the Adam experience but with more sound to fill the room.

    Thank you.

  • Sorry guys. I know I am asking what might be a question already asked a 100 times but let me try to be more clear. Up until recently, all I ever knew was the 2x12 experience. I don't know anything about how a PA sounds.

    Coloring aside, for instance, does a single CLR sound similar to a very neutral 1x12 guitar cab in terms of how it distributes the sound?

    I should have just asked that from the beginning :)

  • The one thing I see on the forum is the Atomic CLR which I will most likely get one but to be honest I use 2x12 cabs only with my power rack and it sounds huge.

    You will not have a problem finding profiles that sound awesome with your KPA with a 2x12 cab. I use the Bogner XTC DO from Petes profiles the most but I find if the amp was profiled using a cab with vintage 30's your cab most likely will sound huge if you have vintage 30's.

    I have a 2x12 with vintage 30's and one with creambacks and I get a lot of feedback on how great my tone is. Matter of fact since buying my power rack 3 guitar players are now looking to buy a KPA.

  • Hey Tpen,

    using a cab such as the AA or even a Yamaha will project you in a completely different world in terms of "lie experience" than a studio monitor. SPL can be very high, and it will be like facing a concert (=PA)

    As burningyen has pointed out, a good cab such as the CLR will under certain aspects feel better than a guitar cab, because you'll get the full sound spectrum even when you are not facing the loudspeaker.
    OTOH, there will be certain differences in feeling you'd have to get accustomed to.

    PS: The CLRs can also be a great MF studio monitor, so you might think of using them for both purposes, saving some more money. They have been compared to the Adams with good results.