got a sound problem with preview mode

  • hi
    i found a bug in the rigmanager

    when i doubleclick a profile it loads as preview into the kemper and it sounds like it should
    then i doubleclick another profile and it sounds different (yes cause its another profile)
    ok - now i doubleclick the same profile again and the sound changes dramatically again! like the change from one to other profile in preview was not loaded completely and on the second load of the same profile it was loading fully...
    it is not really reproducible cause some profiles dont change again in sound if you doubleclick (load) them twice

  • There were also reports of rigs sounding different after 2.3.
    I think i ran into it myself but have not had the chance to properly verify. Might be that as well.

    Have you opened a support ticket? Do it and send them the profile name, and if possible record the change somehow.

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    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."