making it easier to upload profiles from recordings.

  • How about making it easier to capture profiles from a recording. Either allowing a captured riff or section to be imported into the chosen DAW as a wav file, and then exported directly into the Kemper . If this is not possible, make a file converter within the Kemper so the wav file can be added to a stick and then uploaded into the Kemper as you would do with external profiles such as on the rig exchange.

  • Hey tkm, I think this would be impossible. The profiling process is more than just recording a sample. It involves feeding a series of frequencies and noises into an amplifier (could be a head with cab, or head into di, or a processor... whatever) and capturing the output. Through a set of complex algorithms, the profiler decodes the key attributes that make up a specific amplifier sound and store it.

    With a recording, there's no way to capture the information that went into a guitar sound. For example, if you recorded that song with a mike into the KPA, you'd probably just have noise for an output, with a few artifacts from the original recording looping around in the sound.

    Best way to capture a sound used for an album would be to capture the whole thing in the studio -- amps, converters, EQs, whatever. Would be most exciting.