can somebody look at this and tell me why i cannot reamp

  • much appreciation in advance.

    kemper > babyface > studio one.

    after troubleshooting, i know it's not the converter or any cables.

    it has to do with my routing, although it's possible the answer lies somewhere in windows - my subconscious is forcing an image in my head of me turning something down, some digital knob.

    i have to quit drinking. meanwhile, i need to record or folks are going to bust my kneecaps.


    (GTR2 L dry is routed to 'SUB1', which routes to ADAT 3, which used to send the signal to the kemper, but now it does not.)

    the song i'm trying to remix is haunted, i made/recorded it in the haunted attic of an old mansion in the philippines, and all manner of weirdness has entered my life since dragging this tune up.

    i am not afraid.

  • ANSWER: hardware output AS1/2 is the spdif output.

    took me four @#$(^&!@(#^ days to figure that out.

    .............. so, dry track routes to SUB1, routes to ADAT3, which you have to route to hardware output AS1 eh voila, signal into kemper. why it stopped working with my previous setup, i have no idea.


    sorry for disrupting your forum, stay tuned for your regular programming.

  • seriously though, it should've been blatantly obvious, i'm mildly disappointed in the whole lot of you.

    edit: mind you, it was a total mix thing, those guys were more useless than you, so don't worry about it.