brand new unit crashes with midi prog change

  • Bought the kemper, installed the latest firmware and noticed system crashes within a few hours.
    When i give the unit midi program change messages straight after switching from perform to browser mode it crashes the kemper.
    i get some horrible noise and then all goes silent. Could the midi messages be overloading the unit as it tries to establish itself in browser mode?
    complete newbie

  • Bought the kemper, installed the latest firmware and noticed system crashes within a few hours.
    When i give the unit midi program change messages straight after switching from perform to browser mode it crashes the kemper.
    i get some horrible noise and then all goes silent. Could the midi messages be overloading the unit as it tries to establish itself in browser mode?
    complete newbie

    check the midi program change or control change, it is possibile that if you send multiple midi message at the same time, the kemper crashes or behaves strangely, especially in performance mode. When I bought the behringer FCB1010, I remember the same issue before programming it (the kemper rebooted itself)

  • funny enough, it is an FCB1010 i am using too. I'm totally new to the unit and was under the impression that performance mode is for "live" and browse is for establishing sounds. My aim is to use it live so this is a shaky start.

    having just had another play it dont like prog change messages to "blank" performance patches
    So you suggesting i need to save some performance data before i start sending midi prog change messages?

    thank for the repy

  • I use mine for live performances and do it with Browser mode. I just have my preset rigs and then keep the pedals I find that work for those sounds and can turn them on and off as I need them - can also switch between profiles almost instantaneously. All works great. I haven't found the need to use Performance mode yet and honestly, I don't know what the advantage is (I'm still relatively new to the Kemper).

  • funny enough, it is an FCB1010 i am using too. I'm totally new to the unit and was under the impression that performance mode is for "live" and browse is for establishing sounds. My aim is to use it live so this is a shaky start.

    having just had another play it dont like prog change messages to "blank" performance patches
    So you suggesting i need to save some performance data before i start sending midi prog change messages?

    thank for the repy

    if you send one single control change to select one of the five performance slots (50 to 54 cc) and the slot is still empty, the KPA won't crash, but will pop up something like "empty slot!"

    So my advice is: check what control change or program change you are sending to the Kemper. Read the FCB manual, it seems complicated but once you've understood it, the pedalboard is simple to program.

    it's not possible that too many cc or pc in a short space of time overload the system. It happens when you send multiple cc o pc with the same button

  • Be interested to see if anyone else can reproduce this:
    here's a small midi file of the commands sent by my FCB1010 midi foot controller to the kemper that crashes my kemper in performance mode.
    The midi file only contains, prog-change, CC and note on/off data.
    Some of my performance slots are empty. If i removed the note on/off data it seems ok.
    Should i report a bug that notifies note on/off data causes problems?

    midi file here

  • Be interested to see if anyone else can reproduce this:
    here's a small midi file of the commands sent by my FCB1010 midi foot controller to the kemper that crashes my kemper in performance mode.
    The midi file only contains, prog-change, CC and note on/off data.
    Some of my performance slots are empty. If i removed the note on/off data it seems ok.
    Should i report a bug that notifies note on/off data causes problems?

    midi file here

    Definitely you should open a support ticket reporting the bug.