Amp settings baseline legend

  • First off, to all taking the time to record and submit their amp profiles to the community, I thank you.
    Secondly, if the monitors believe this thread better placed in the Features request section, OK by me to relocate it.

    My concern/question:
    As much as I admire the spectrum of all the profiles available, I always wondered whether it be a better practice to profile an amp at it's "sweet spot" or captured with standard neutral settings.
    That's a question for another thread but all things considered, IMHO I believe the sweet spot approach would tend to be the better choice.

    This (to me) then begs the question of how anyone downloading a profile would know what settings (beyond the available Chl# ) info settings were profiled.
    Maybe developing some sort of baseline reference feature allowing submitter's to detail their settings could be useful.
    ex. Chl#, Vol, Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence

    That way, any personal adjustments thereafter would be from a known standard. (I hope I'm conveying this clearly)

    If by chance this info is somehow already available, I'll just chalk it up to me learning more about the wonderful world of profiles. ;)

    Call me weird, but I believe there would be a lot of value in having this baseline info known for each profile.


    Happy Kemper

  • I'm afraid as tonestacks differ so much settings will never be common, and due to variance of components not even identical between 2 amps of the same line.

    So personally I can't see any value in publishing this as I would not be able to anticipate how a profile sounds only by reading its settings.
    It comes down to the old 'use your ears' paradigm.

    That said I'm all for profiling the sweet spots.

  • I guessed I'd be treading on shaky ground proposing such a idea.
    But it seems to me adding the extra fields within the Rig Manager to record these extra settings shouldn't be that difficult.

    As always in the profile arena, it's a volunteer army posting profiles to the community anyway.
    But for those inclined, they should have the opportunity to record and post their settings if at all possible.

    I do also fully recognize the "let your ears be the judge" argument.

    However, say a given profile happens to be "mudded up" under extreme capture settings.
    Having knowledge on how this profile was made might rescue an otherwise disregarded profile for others . You think?

    (I'm thinking of an instance where a particularly rare amp is profiled with limited/no other like download options available)

    I guess it'll all come down to whether this idea is both practical and feasible enough to warrant incorporating this option into the Rig Manager. (Perhaps this thread better does better belong in either the Rig Manager or Feature Request forums) Monitors???

    I suppose nothing could really be done with the 4000+ profiles already out there outside of an edit option, but when there's say 20000+ profiles to scroll through, somebody I gotta believe will be glad we had this info available.

    It would certainly seem a less daunting alternative than blind downloads & sound tests based on criteria selections using the existing Gain and Channel info currently available.

    Happy Kemper

  • More info is never a bad idea. But it can become unwieldy.
    And it can also be useless in this case since these signals go through microphones and potentially pedals and/or preamps.

    What those things can do is alter the EQ or Volume/Gain from the original amp depending on the settings and so there won't be a direct corollary to the original amp's actual settings and the profiles.

    So in the end, for either commercial recordings or actual amps you own, matching still requires your ears.

    I just choose the guitar->amp pair I think fits the song part best, and then audition relevant profiles until I got one that is closest to what I want.

    If amp knob setting info were available in the profile, what would I do with that info if I don't own the analog amps?

  • I just want to be clear in what I'm suggesting.

    Nothing dynamic enough to reporting directly to the Kemper from a profile capture.

    But just some added fields in the Rig Manager noting the amp settings used during the profile session.
    Yeah... added EQ's will of course affect the resulting tone, but if all EQ is stripped away, we're still talking about the core amp settings being profiled here.

    So with the baseline info noted, any + / - tweaks would be relevant to the base capture settings of the given profile.
    i.e. "You gotta know where you are, before you know where you're going" kind of thing.

  • I've brought this up a few times as well. The point is valid. I have a few profiles with the gain and volume on different values yet the kemper gain is the same. If someone uses my profile without the information noted they would have no idea that one was more preamp gain versus poweramp gain. Also knowing the eq. allows you to know what you are adjusting and starting from as you've noted. Since the point is to profile the amp that information should be primary to convey. I would be in the same boat with you unfortunately you will find that even if the point is valid not many will follow based on logic alone.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup: