Relationship Between Pure Boost Volume Level Numbering and Actual Signal Level

  • I use the pure booster and Plus DS a lot, they are my two primary amplitude stomps. Was wondering if someone could please define what is the relationship between the pure booster level value setting (0 to 5.0) and actual change in signal level, I would assume in terms of signal gain, either voltage or power. I can't find this info in the manuals. So what is the relationship between a setting level change of 1.0 and the actual signal being processed by the module? Again, I haven't seen anything in the manual that defines this relationship.

    For example (this is for example ONLY, I don't know if it is the case, so please don't take it that I am claiming this is the case) every change of 1.0 in the pure booster level setting provides a change of 6 dB of gain (in the case of voltage gain), or 3 dB (in case of power gain).

    This is what I am hoping to find.
