I need a clear answer

  • The rigexchange profiles are stored into the rigmanager's db file.
    The profiles of my Kemper are stored into another .db file.

    Both .db files are used by the RigManager during synchronization so i have a question.
    I wonder if my own profiles are synchronized with Kemper's server too.

    I need a clear answer. :whistling:
    (basically i should not see my profiles going thru my internet connection, my profiles are my property)

  • Wouldn't make sense to do that.

    1. It would slow their servers down uploading from everyone, and for what? Most Profiles they already have on the Rig Exchange.

    2. Kemper can afford to buy all professional profiles out there. They make millions. But why even do that? So many top notch profilers share with Kemper as packs.

    3. Why on earth would Kemper care to upload the pathetic attempts at profiling most people create? That would end up being 95% junk? And the other 5% is either sold or put on the Rig Exchange.

    Oh, wait, you are confusing the KPA with the NSA!! Yes, don't do that. The NSA steals the stuff on your digital devices, not Kemper!