Assigned expression ?

  • From reading page 28 in the Kemper Profiler Reference Manual2.3.pdf it makes no reference to my description...

    "Direct Connection of Pedals and Switches
    The PROFILER features two jacks for the direct connection of expression pedals or switches.
    ♦♦ Expression Pedals
    An expression pedal works just like a wah or volume pedal, but is made for digital devices. It only needs
    one cable with a stereo jack, connected to one of the dedicated pedal inputs.
    If you use a regular expression pedal (e.g. Roland), please select “Pedal (Type 1)” with soft knobs 1 or 3. If
    you use an expression pedal with reversed polarity (e.g. Yamaha™), please select “Pedal (Type 2)”.
    You can monitor the changing swell value of the pedal on soft knobs 2 and 4. If you find that the pedal
    does not cover the full value range, press “Pedal Init” on the respective soft button, then perform a full
    swell on the pedal to re-calibrate it."

    I am using a Yamaha expression pedal so from what i understand is that it is a type 2. That is all. There is no mention of settings for the control of various expression on multiple individual rigs.

    Again, i want to use the pedal i have connected into the Pedal 1 input, to control a wah parameter on rig patch 2 and the pitch parameter in rig patch 4. Pressing the system softkey on the front of the KPA and scrolling to System Settings [Page 4/9] Pedals, it allows me to only select one effect parameter for the pedal i have connected into the Pedal 1 input.

    Why can I not choose for it to be a generic expression input that controls whatever effect i have chosen to be controlled by the expression pedal on any given Rig patch?

    Not trying to be rude, trying to be absolutely clear.

  • There is a setting in the KPA that let's you select wah to pitch. I believe it's in the rig menu, typing from memory so not 100% on the location.

    The KPA will switch the expression pedal to a pitch pedal when the wah is not engaged anymore. The other option is volume to wah. This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but it will work to control wah on one rig, then pitch on another rig.

    So in the pedal menu, set the expression pedal to wah, load up rig 2 with the wah stomp loaded and use it as a wah pedal.

    In rig 4 load up a pitch effect and the pedal should control the pitch effect as long as you don't activate the wah in that rig.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thanks! Thats not exactly what im looking for true, though it does work. This shall suffice for now.

    The chapter you cite ("Direct Connection of Pedals and Switches") is only a paragraph of the main chapter "Expression Pedals" in the Reference Manual. It describes the full philosophy of the use of expression pedals. It actually guides you exactly to what you need.