Using the Kemper live with a GCP and GCX W/ Pedals

  • Hey guys! This is my first thread (probably of many) on here, can't wait to get my Kemper =)

    Ok, so I haven't actually bought a Kemper yet, though I have used them extensively and I love them to pieces, amazing stuff. Basically, I want to get my live rig to the point of it being all in "one case" to put it one way. I now use a Mesa Dual Rec with all of my pedals and rack gear in the same Road Case, with a GCX Audio Switcher and Ground Control Pro controlling all of my different tone switching.

    My question is: Can I use the Kemper instead of my Dual Rec? Is it possible to use the GCP and the GCX with the Kemper as easily as an actual amplifier? I know that the Kemper has MIDI and such, but I just want to be 100% clear on how it would work before I buy one, and so I can fall asleep at night too lol!

    Can I preset different profiles on the GCP just like I can preset different amp channels with the Mesa? If so, HOW?! ?(

    On a side note: Does the Kemper accept pedals as well as the real amp? I'm sure it does... But I've actually never tired it haha Any thoughts would be extremely helpful!


    -Myke :D

  • Hi Myke,
    I use my old Ground Control with a GCX switcher that's installed in my pedal board with the Kemper. For me it's the ultimate setup.
    My pedal board works the same with my amps as it does with the Kemper. Compressor, drive pedals and M5 go in front. Timeline,
    Flint and H9 go into the effects loop. I have an expression pedal going to the Ground Control, I can assign it to any of my midi effects
    and also to the Kemper. The Kemper works really well with pedals.

    In the GCP midi setup just add the Kemper's midi channel, you can set this # in the Kemper. You can assign the midi patch # in the
    Kemper to any preset you like. Then just program the GCP preset with the patch # you want in the Kemper. I personally only use
    about 4 patches in the Kemper live, this keeps it simple for me. I do all the effects switching within a preset in the GCX, I also have
    the instant access switches layout on the Ground Control so I can turn effects on/off on the fly.

    I hope this helps!