Quick 68 Superlead Clip (TopJimi) - Does this sound right??

  • Hi All,

    I've been obsessing a bit too much about tone, clean and dist sens settings and generally driving myself a bit nuts whilst also getting Man Flu™.

    So, in order to try and put these demons to bed - I've recorded a quick clip of me jamming with one of Top Jimi's '68 SuperLead profiles (#3) and would like to get any comments on if it sounds ok -

    Clip starts on neck pu with tone rolled all the way off - then comes in - moves to bridge with the tone all off - tone comes up again.

    Excuse the clams and sloppy playing - feeling pretty done in - be good to know if people hear anything weird or if all sounds ok.

    Guitar is an LTD EC1000 with alnico II pu's - Clean sens is 1.7db and dist sens is 0 - so I just get the input to hit yellow from time to time.

    Should mention, gain is on 5.9 on profile - no eq changed and only effect is reverb.

    Appreciate peoples comments - and peoples time listening -

    Tonerider - 68 SuperLead Jam

  • Much appreciated Ingolf!! :)

    It's really interesting how the humble plectrum influences dynamics with these pu's - using dunlop .88 vs the .60 makes a big difference - but very pleased to hear it's sounding like it should. I guess I shouldn't be afraid to tweak to what sounds right, and when using dist/od stomps - drop the amp gain considerably - just like you would with a real amp.

    Thanks for listening.


  • Wow, thanks for the kind comments - appreciated.

    I've done a few more recordings, and with some stack eq, some cabinet eq and reverb getting close to that sound that just makes me want to sit down and play...I'm learning to stack my stomps on my pedal board, a little compression, and USE the volume knobs on the guitar to get the sounds that make me want to make music - happy days!