Eventide UltraReverb

  • I like to record dry signals and add reverb in the mix.

    I have some usual suspects (Had UA stuff, have Waves, etc) but I must say I have not been very happy with them.

    I loved the Reverb of the ULTRA when I had it for a smooth and natural reverb that works for my tastes (I sold it and it's still not post-recording)

    I recently jumped on the Eventide UltraReverb plugin offer and it's what I like thoroughly for guitar as well as vocals.

    I'd like to hear if anyone else has or has demo'd this plugin.

  • I love Reverb. I downloaded the free trial of this and it's absolutely beautiful. I compared it with various ones I have in Logic including Space Designer with some IR's of the H3000, TC and others. I must say the Eventide is one of my favorites. I only gave a few minute test with my jazz guitar playing through it. I can't get the KPA reverb to sound like this, but it is fine for what I do. I've always thought I'd like some different algorithms in the KPA especially the longer Halls like I hear in the Eventide where the decay is so perfect and beautiful. Maybe in the future for the KPA, but most people here would want a spring reverb first. Good stuff, thanks for posting. I'll probably buy it. By the way, they give you a 30 day free trial on this with no restrictions. Then it's on $79 which is a good deal.

  • Someone on TGP made me aware that DiscountPlugins.com has it even cheaper right now.

    I missed it, but no complaints. For the quality I'm quite happy with the price.

    (BTW, I have zero affiliation with anything to do with the Music Industry.
    Just a hobbyist who found a really nice reverb and wanted to share and hear others who have experience.)

  • Same, no affilitiation with anything. Thanks for the heads up, as I browsed, I had heard about the discount. I've looked into some other plug-ins as well because of this. I like this "other gear" section as it often reveals some GEMS especially after my G.A.S. has declined significantly due to the KPA. By the way, after going back and forth between the plug-ins and the KPA reverb, I've actually learned to appreciate and like the KPA reverb more. Some of those other reverbs are adding modulation and delays so you can't simply compare them to the KPA reverb only. The KPA reverb is actually quite a decent reverb in itself and I'm sure they will continue to improve and add to it.

  • My only beef with KPA Reverb is there being no Spring and the Matchbox sounding awful to my ears.

    But the others are excellent quality.

    My interest in THIS plugin stem from 2 needs:

    1) Vocals
    2) Recording Guitar Dry and processing it Wet after recording it to suit the mix.

    So I require a plugin and was not very happy with my current set of reverbs, Waves included. This one is the first that really spoke to my tastes in plugin-world.

    I haven't even been enamored of the Lexicon plugins, although I've tried them, and own gear and LOVE the gear (and I have low end shit, so the plugins just don't match their hardware) Whereas the Eventide plugin here is a good match to their hardware quality. (not saying it's equal, but not an embarrassment, lol)

  • Have you tried the Valhalla DSP plugins by any chance? These seem to get rave reviews (valhalla vintage verb and valhallaRoom). I think you can demo them.

    Valhalla VV have another great algos. Coming next in VVV a new algo (non-lin) a la AMS neve RMX16. Much appreciated in the 80s
    UAD launched last week the RMX16