Profiling EQ's preamps and other studio gear?

  • Ok, so this is probably been covered lots of times but my old friend search is not helping at all.

    So, has anyone tried profiling any hardware preamps or equalisers and how did it turn out? is it possible with the KPA?
    For example we could profile a Neve 1073 and run our signal back through it or something, i'm thinking not just guitars but other things too...

    Any help or info is greatly appreciated there.

    How would impedance etc affect the process of sampling

    Is it pointless when our itb effects are so good?

    anyway thanks for your time!

  • Probably every linear audio device is profileable. Whether the profile will keep all the sonic characteristics of the hardware depends on the Profiler's transfer function: when you profile a guitar amp, one dB here or there won't effectively change the sonic results. Furthermore, a guitar amp's passing band is quite narrow. When you tried and profile a device whose transfer function should exceed the Profiler's one, the faithfulness would not be there any more of course.

    We don't know how extended is the Profiler's range of test signals, and to what extent its measurements are linear. I doubt it could faithfully profile a pre with say a 10-100,000 Hz +/- 2 dB response. It has just not been designed with this purpose in mind.
    So basically the answer would be "yes; how properly depends on your needs/tolerance".