Volume drops for 2 or 3 seconds after turning off reverb

  • All the sudden my KPA seems to suffer from volume drops for 2 or 3 seconds after turning off reverb on every profile. After these seconds the volume is back to normal, I hear a soft "plop" and there it is again. I read similar KPA behaviour from someone else on the forum but I didn't read if there was a solution to it. This didn't happen before, I'm sure of that because I disable en enable reverb all the time. Just from today on it seems to be happening.

    It also only happens in browser mode and not in perform mode I noticed.


  • Had this behaviour ONLY when i used the internal volume pedal as an boost (+2-3db i think it was) and turned the reverb off --> the volume would drop to 0 db boost and then jump the +2db up again about 1-2 seconds after.

    This behaviour was NOT seen when the internal volume pedal was used as a cut (-4,9db)

    This happend on all firmware versions. (and still does)

  • Made one before the reset, is that OK as well or do you want a backup after the reset?

    Oh yea, and to witch mail address I can send it to? Can't seem to find an attachment upload in the Kemper website mail form.

    Please send the backup you made before the reset. Use this link: http://www.kemper-amps.com/pag…plifier___Contact_Us.html and provide info about your exact firmware version. Thank you.

  • Got a reply from Kemper and this occured because I had a couple of volume settings that caused this to happen:

    Volume Pedal
    Location "Post Effects"
    Volume Pedal Range "+5"

    I changed the location to post effects because I wanted to control the whole rig volume at once and the range I changed during a gig because one rig didn't have volume at all. This seemed to have happened after changing the volume position (or my POD HD500 sending wrong midi commands) from post stomps to post effects and locking the position. Can't explain this however and need to dive further into it...

    The Volume Pedal Range "+5" causes the reverb to take a few seconds before it can adjust the boost, and indeed this setting doesn't make much sense.

    Anyway; solved for now and thanks Burkhard for looking into this!