Profiling adjustable EQ from the amp

  • Don't know if this has been discussed...
    Would it be possible to do this in a future update... to do a seperate profiling of the eq section of the real amp... When profiling, you just sweep the eq, for example the mid band from the lowest to fullest... and then continue with all the bands and maybe even the gain.

    I just ordered the Kemper Rack so will probably get it next week! So maybe I won't be needing this. :)

  • Cool! Yea I was just on the phone with a friend talking about the Kemper. I'm so stoked about it I had to call someone! :)
    He also said I shouldn't be worried about the eq. That the eq in the kemper is great! And there is a great eq called studio eq if I want to fine tune it.

    I don't think you'll be needing this but when your KPA arrives you will need more hours in the day!!! As the KPA takes over you life lol. You will be very happy with the way the EQ can be adapted and how will it works :)

  • You're nevertheless right in thinking the Profiler's tonestack doesn't mimic the amp's one. Them being "great" doesn't any way make them behave like the original amp's :)

    As for gain, no need for that... the Profiler tests all the possible levels from the amp.


  • Hello again!
    Just wanted to say this thing... is the best thing I have ever gotten for my studio well best thing for me period! It's just amazing!
    The Eq in the kemper is actually really great!
    Hey... It's like I'm cloning my real amp where I think it sounds the best and out comes a new amp! :)

    Also... In the mix whenever I had to use amp sims plugins I don't felt it took eq very well. With the kemper it's like eq'ing the real thing.

    And when I'm not in the studio, I can just play for hours whenever I want using headphones, I'm having so much fun!

  • Waiting for thos feature myself :)

    It should not take too much, AFAIK there are only 3-4 different kinds of tonestack out there. Then they'll need to set max and min in the knobs' ranges for specific models.