New pickups with Kemper = NEW Kemper!!!

  • Well, for the last year I've been fighting my life long metal tendencies - and working with some Alnico II pu's. Nowt wrong with them, but I always felt that playing was a bit uphill, and it's the only guitar and pu's I had with my kemper after forking out for it - so it's all I have known.

    Recently, I did some research, sold some gear, and wired in a set of Seymour Duncan Black Winter pickups....




    DAMN. and I mean, DAMN. And an added barrage of expletives.

    In the last 36 hours I feel like I have heard my profiler for the FIRST time. Clear, Stereo image, proper harmonics, clarity, and my playing has gone through the roof, knocked the dust and socks off my right hand and put a big grin on my face.

    Recto's now sound like Recto's - Pete's Profiles all sound kick ass without fighting and eq - Arthur D's profiles SLAY and James's 5153 means I never need to buy any amps again. Effects seem more clear and EQ is more pronounced......Kemper is born again....

    Roll back the stone - Pickups DO make a BIG difference.

    Proud to have wired 'em all in myself also :)


  • Thanks all,

    The guitar originally came with an EMG 81 (b) and 60 (n) - I LOVED the 60 for cleans and leads - but never got on with the 81....

    Black Winter's just work great - just playing around with pu height and getting that 'sweet' spot dialled in. :)

  • I only have one guitar with EMG81s and 60s. The extreme treble boost and the higher compression can be fun when doing heavy riffing. Especially useful when you are singing at the same time.

    However, with a good passive pickup you can unleash the full dynamic capablities of the Kemper and get the most out of your right hand dynamics. Also the volume pot of the guitar works way better. In a way it feels like turning off a limiter.

  • Awesome man. I was always wanting to do an exchange of rigs with online users to see what different pickups sound like. Even though it would not be a true A/B comparison, it would at least give you a general idea of what it will sound like before you drop the cash on expensive pickups.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”