Effect Buttons Global Functions

  • Will it be possible to set the Effect Buttons for Global Functions, so you don´t have to set and store them per Rig?
    For example you alway want the Button I to turn on and off Stomp A and so on.

  • Will it be possible to set the Effect Buttons for Global Functions, so you don´t have to set and store them per Rig?
    For example you alway want the Button I to turn on and off Stomp A and so on.

    When you want a function of the switches I-IIII to be global simply LOCK its function.
    Easy. ;)

  • When you want a function of the switches I-IIII to be global simply LOCK its function.
    Easy. ;)

    I know that´s possible, but most stomps and effects have different values for different rigs.
    My only locked effect is the effect loop.

    But for my other stomps and effects it won´t work that way.

    Thanks anyway.

  • This isn't global, but it is fast:
    You can "auto assign" the switches in the Rig menu - the first four slots used in a rig can be assigned to buttons I through IIII with a button press.

    I know, but I was searching for a way to assign all presets at once.

  • We do not provide a global assignment, because we believe this would highly interfere with the assingments per rig.
    And we think it is a little initial effort to make assignments for your existing rigs, even if you have dozens.

  • We do not provide a global assignment, because we believe this would highly interfere with the assingments per rig.And we think it is a little initial effort to make assignments for your existing rigs, even if you have dozens.

    I just received my remote and I would also be able to set this globally as well. I understand that per rig is the best option for performance mode but when browsing or using the librarian software a global option be really helpful. This option status should obviously be selectable, so it does not interfere with the assigments you could already have per rig.

    The different statuses could be:

    1. On
    2. Off
    3. Only enabled for rigs that do not have the effects assigned to the swicthes.