Should I throw in the towel on Re-Amping

  • Here is where I am at on this. I have recorded the DI signal from the direct out and the wet signal from main out left to two different tracks at the same time in pro tools. I created another audio track and sent only the dry signal to it and changed some amp settings. I monitored the signal but there is a super amount of feedback. Does anyone have anyone questions. My brain is fried after reading 10,000 post on the matter I still can't get it figured out. I am close but no cigar.

    Signal flow:
    I am coming out of my KPA with xlr (main out left) 1/4 Direct out to my apogee duet 2 then into pro tools. I am sending the signal back to the KPA through the return input on the back. I set the input source to return input reamp. Is there anything I am missing. I am getting the signal back at the KPA as indicated on the input and output LED's and it is picking it up through the new recorded track. But like I said to much feedback to even describe.

    If anyone has any thoughts on this I would greatly appreciate the help.


    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller

  • Thanks to everyone for your replies. I have it figured out for the most part. What happened was I had a major feedback loop inside my speaker break out box which houses various XLR connects for different speaker configurations. Needless to say after major troubleshooting I got it cleared up. I now have to fine tune some other settings but I am on the right track and moving in the right directions.

    Thanks again for everyone helping out.


    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller