Kemper no longer recognizes USB with FW update

  • Trying to update to Firmware 3.01 from the 2.8 beta. No matter what I do the Kemper will not recognize the USB stick. I insert the stick with the kaos.bin file in the OS Update folder and nothing happens. Is there any way to force any update? Something in a menu somewhere.

    BTW, I have used this same stick for over a year now with no issues. Now, with this latest update, I get nothing. Tried the file both inside the OS Update folder and outside. Even tried reformatting the USB on my Mac. Still nothing. Please help.

  • I had the same problem originally (on Mac) the first time I tried to update. Format the drive on the Kemper, pop it in to the Mac, transfer the file (again) and EJECT DRIVE from the menu option. Do not drag to trash or pull the USB out directly.
    That seemed to do the trick for me and it recognized the flash drive when I did that.

    Otherwise, try another drive. GL!

  • Erase the drive completely on you Mac and when you insert the flash drive into the Kemper, you "should" see a new tab show up on your display screen. The third white button from the left [above your display] lights up under "EXTERNAL DRIVE" tab. Press the white button and the option on the far right should give you a format drive option. Put the kaos file into the proper folder and eject properly.

    I assume if you can't get the Kemper to see the drive at all after that or even to register on the display, I would try another drive.


  • Thanks for the help but I think it actually has to do with the fact that I have FW2.8 Beta on here. I sent a note to Support. I'll see if they have a fix.

    BTW, I tried you're idea. Kemper just doesn't recognize anything in the USB port unless of course I force the load by holding the page buttons when booting at which point I get an error that says my hardware is not supported as I mentioned earlier.
