Reamping Focusrite 6i6/Cubase Help

  • Having some trouble with reamping and wondering if anyone could help. Can record wet/dry tracks ok but not getting anything back when routing the dry track back through the Kemper for reamping. Have stuff setup like this:


    Kemper S/PIDF OUT > Focusrite S/PIDF IN
    Kemper S/PIDF IN > Focusrite S/PIDF OUT

    >Focusrite MixControl

    ReAmp Mix (Mono) to S/PIDF L (SPIDF Output1)

    >Routing in Cubase as follows:

    Inputs: Stereo Bus - Profiler - S/PIDF L & S/PIDF R
    Outputs: Mono Bus - Reamp - S/PIDF L

    >Tracks in Cubase as follows:

    Git Mono Track - Input: S/PIDF L (Profiler) - Output: Reamp
    Stack Mono Track - Input: S/PIDF R (Profiler) - Output: Stereo Out
    Reamp Stereo Track - Input: Profiler - Output: Stereo Out

    >Routing in Kemper as follows:

    SPDIF Out Link enabled
    Kemper (Recording) S/PIDF Output to Git/Stack
    Kemper (Re-amping) S/PIDF Output to Master Stereo & Input Source set to SPIDF input Reamp