Can a Boss GT8 serve as a midi controller?

  • It will change patches just fine but that's about all. If I'm not mistaken the CTL pedals are latch only meaning it sends one message when pressed and another message when released, not very useful for changing effects on the Kemper though it may work for tap tempo.

  • sorry I am a little bit confused.
    My understanding how a footswitch works:

    In latched mode, you press the footswitch to engage the effect, then press it again to disengage.
    In momentary mode, you press and hold the switch to engage the effect.
    Once you release the switch the effect will disengage.
    This mode is really useful if you are looking to apply an effect like delay or harmony
    to a single word or phrase.

    I am working with a TC voicelive 3 and the stomps are configured in latch mode and I am able to switch on/off stomps on my kemper.
    The only problem was that VL3 has different Cc no. than the kemper. So I have to change this over an additional solution
    (I do this over an Ipad with the app midibridge for routing and FreEwi to map the CC no. I don't know what the GT8 can do.

  • I've gigged one for a while, just had 1 performance and used 4 slots. I set toe down on the wah to activate tuner, and by holding ctrl down I had a boost, but it couldn't latch. The wah worked well over cc though. I wouldn't recommend buying one as a controller, but seeing as you have one anyway it's well worth taking the time to setup.

  • I have to use one for a while cause it seem that the Remote will only be available in South Africa later. I don't want to buy a Midi controller and then buy the remote later. Seems unnecessary if I can make my GT 8 work for a while. I tried ordering it of the site, but it said I will receive it in 108 days. That's way too long. I have gigs that I have to play now. And the postal service in SA is not reliable. I actually have a Roland midi controller for a Electric accordion too. Wonder if that would work... ?(