Choosing the right amp from Rig Exchange?

  • Hi, just tweaking some rigs and i have found a god cab and effekt configuration with an carcin amp. I stored ir, and i tryed to check the same configuration with another amp. Perefect, there where the functions"amp from Presets or from Rigs" on soft knobs in the kpa. But i haven't so many amps in there, because i have to download it from r.e. and store it , otherwise i can't check the different amp. I think it would be a nice feature when i can double click on an amp in the r.e. to compare it directely with the former loaded amp , as i have written: My cab and effects are loaded, i only wan't to change the amp quick, without loadind a complete rig from the r.e., only want to load the amp.
    Any chance? :whistling:

  • Yes I have actually

    I had not thought about this. JuLai, have you checked it actually loads the rig and respects what's locked? :) Can't check it myself ATM

    Yes I have, I've used the locking feature in many ways i.e. trying out cabs or amps or building a set list with a favourite fx list etc. A great feature.

  • It works. Thx a lot. It needs just seconds to check different amps with the same locked basics. Also great for cab checking. As you have written, i have locked every thing exept the amp. Double klick in re and the new amp is loaded.