Why does my kemper sounds different ?

  • I've downloaded some profiles. And they sound really great using my mesa cabinet. But when i used them for recording and I record the main out and use the profile's cabinet (Same mesa) it sounds just not as good. Any ideas how this is possible.

  • When using the profile's cabinet you are not just using a cabinet simulation. What you hear then is the miced version of the cabinet, just like the sound, you'd get by micing your cabinet.
    Did you create the profile yourself? If not, perhaps you don't like the mic or its position during the profiling process.
    You can try to use another cabinet which sounds better for your taste.

  • Yes the sound you are used to with a cab behind you is not the same as that of what you hear on CD, which is the sound coming through the microphone. This is one of the things people, including me had to get used to when using the profiler with something like a DXR speaker. Like @MtotheEikel also mentioned where the microphone was placed when making the profile has a lot to do with how the profile sounds.

  • The mic, position & cabinet is 90% of the amp sound recorded or profiled in my opinion. After awhile a lot of different profiles begin to sound very similar because of this.


  • There are two main ways to create profiles:

    a) to let them sound like a recorded amp
    b) to let them sound like a tube amp next to you

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