Rig Manager 1.5.x required!

  • Are you clicking the last performance, then holding shift and clicking the first? And on a Windows machine? That behaviour really did my nut in, but it's a 'quirk' of Windoze.

    Yes, I'm on Windows 8.1. I've tried clicking the first performance then the last with shift key and also clicking the last then the first with shift key as you suggest. How I click on the profiler performances makes no difference. It comes over inverted. I also tried copy/paste and dragging and dropping. No luck here.

  • Hmmm, very strange... I might try to fire up my old mac that has win 7 and an earlier Rig Manager installed, upgrade, and then test this out.

    In the process of trying to repair/restore my performances, I made a real mess. I thought I'd just drag and drop my good copy in the Local Library back to my profiler, but it won't do it. Also tried cut and paste. No go. So I deleted all the performances in the profiler, then tried the drag and drop. No go. Copy/paste. No go. If I preview a performance by highlighting and then hitting enter, it shows on my profiler. I then hit save on the profiler. It appears on the profiler (with a new LIB tag) but Rig Manager (Profiler folder) doesn't update. A shutdown of both the profiler and Rig Manager gets them back in sync. Still can't drag/drop or copy/paste. It appears I can only preview, save and then restart profiler and Rig Manager to recover (or use my backup).

    For my setup, it appears that this only works in one direction. Profiler to Local Library (RM) seems to work fine. But, Local Library (RM) to Profiler does not work (for me).

  • Renaming a Performance Nr.
    Being lazy I have not fiddled with the dial to name some Performance numbers in my KPA. With RigMan1.5 I was changing those P# names from "Default Performance" to the amp in slot one. I was typing in the name when I thought to try copy/paste from the profile name in slot one to the Performance Name and it worked! I thought - great. But it doesn't work but that one time. Copy then paste and the name shows up but hit ENTER and the Performance name reverts back to Default Performance. It did work once!!!!


  • Minor error experience:

    Did a Search For - Found what I was looking for - Clicked X to clear search box - Error Message - "All Performance Rig Manager" "Unhandled Exception has occurred..."

    Click "Continue" option - Rig Manager Not Responding.

    It seems to be related to the left column cursor was in the Performance section when I started the search perhaps. Up in the profile section Search works fine.


  • Hi,
    thanks for all the feedback! First a reminder: please always tell your platform and OS version when reporting a bug.
    Then let me explain the issues with ordering performances. Only the Profiler location is organized into 125 numbered programs, as it it in the device. All others (Local Library, sub folders, USB Stick, All Performances) work like the Rig locations: they are pools with no program numbers and no limit in Performance count. This is more convenient regarding file handling (import, export), and it is necessary for the "All Performances" view. In a pool, of course you can't have duplicate performances.
    The program bank view of the Profiler location is also the reason for the limited capability of moving performances around. If you drag multiple performances from the Local Library to the Profiler, where should they go? Automatically overwrite the Profiler content? Fill up the empty programs only? Start overwriting performances beginning from the line the mouse pointer is at? There is no obvious solution, different users will expect different behavior. So we decided that for now only single performances can be copied to the Profiler. For drag&drop, open a second window with the Local Library you are dragging from, then move the performance onto the program number that you want to overwrite. For Copy/Paste, copy only one performance to the clipboard, then select a program in the Profiler view and do a paste.
    Now it seems that some of you want to organize your performances in banks of 125 each, and easily copy the whole banks to and from the Profiler. We will start a discussion here if and how we can find a solution for that.

  • If you drag multiple performances from the Local Library to the Profiler, where should they go? Automatically overwrite the Profiler content? Fill up the empty programs only? Start overwriting performances beginning from the line the mouse pointer is at? There is no obvious solution, different users will expect different behavior.

    OK, but: if I select a bunch of performances in the Profiler view and I drag it to move it I expect that the Profiler content will reflect this operation. What I do in the profiler view of RM must be ever what I want to see in the profiler content. The duplicated names are permitted in the profiler content, so why does not in the library?

  • Because in the local library, you do not have program numbers. They get lost during the drag operation, and the Performances can't be distinguished from each other. It is exactly like a folder in your file system, where you can not have to files with the same name. Right now, the Local Library is simply not able to reflect the Profiler content including program numbers.

  • @Arne - thanks for the clarification. This update is a huge improvement for managing (creating/moving/modifying) performances on the profiler. Some of us (in error) misunderstood comments on this forum (from users) about managing set lists to be complete integration with RM for that purpose.

    I'd like to see further performance mode integration with RM to allow set list management. I guess that would require program numbers and use of same names. Currently, a memory stick and editing on a computer are required.

    Again, thanks for this new feature.