Separating Profiles (Amp and Cab)

  • Hi,

    lately I am playing around with changing Cabs on some Profiles. Sometimes I search in the Libarary after a specific Mic/Cab and use that on a Profile I liked,

    Maybe there is an easier way to do that then the Method I use. Normally I browse thru the Rig Manager and search let's say for a Royer 121. Then I want to use that Cab Profile with another Amp Profile.
    So I need to put the Profile with the Cab I want on my Kemper, then Save the Cab on it's own Preset, then open the Amp Profile I wanted to use and last load the Cab Profile.

    This way is taking me much too long when I want to try out different Cabs on a Profile.

    I would be glad if someone could give me some Tips how I can do that faster and easier.

    Heavy Greetz

  • Just lock the cab and change to any rig you like. The cab will stay the same. Very fast and efficient

    Does this also work with the Amplifier. Would make totally sense.

    I am not very experienced in browsing thru the Kemper itself. Right now I am trying to find an easy way to rename my Profiles in the Rig Editor.

    Heavy Greetz

  • Sure, you can lock any section you would like to stay the same. Then Browse through your rigs either directly on the KPA or using the Rig Manager. If you want to audition just the the cab or amp section from your rigs, it is advisable to also lock the whole "stomps" and "effects" blocks.

    Using the rig manager you can edit the tags of multiple rigs at once.

  • Sure, you can lock any section you would like to stay the same. Then Browse through your rigs either directly on the KPA or using the Rig Manager. If you want to audition just the the cab or amp section from your rigs, it is advisable to also lock the whole "stomps" and "effects" blocks.

    Using the rig manager you can edit the tags of multiple rigs at once.

    Yeah I realised that yesterday that I can Lock the Ampsection as well. But it seems that when I only change the Cabs that the Name of that Profile is showing up in the Kemper. I guess I have to spend more time with trying that out. And I just realised after reading your posting that I can edit the Tags in the Inspector. Never tried that before. So this will help when I want to edit the Profile Name. But I guess when I rename them I won't be able to find the Original Profile again when I don't write it down so I know which one I renamed.

    Heavy Greetz