How to reset Rig Manager for MacOS?

  • Hello,

    I'm using MacOS 10.10 and Rig Manager 1.3.5.(updated today to 1.5.11 after experiencing the following problem, which changed nothing)

    Actually Rig Manager doesn't get new Rigs from Rig Exchange anymore.

    In Windows I had this issue and deleted all local Files of Rig Manager to solve the problem but in MacOS this doesn't work ...

    I found and deleted following files and folders:

    ~/Documents/Kemper Amps
    ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps

    What did I miss?
    After deleting these files, Rig Exchange shows the same rigs as before without having to sync anything and even remembers my login data ...

    Btw. log-file says:

    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Rig Exchange
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=0
    Connect command returned error 0
    Location vanished: Rig Exchange
    Location vanished: Local Library
    Location vanished: Local Library

    Edited once, last by st1543 ().

  • ~/Documents/Kemper Amps

    You should not delete it, it contains backups and the debug log. It cant prevent the Rig Exchange from working in Rig Manager.

    ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps

    This is the folder containing all your Local Library data, and the cached Rig Exchange database. If you delete it, Rig Manager will pre-install a copy of the Rig Exchange database that is contained in the App and reflects the RX state from the time of Rig Manager release.
    If deleting this folder did not help, then this was not the problem. From time to time, the Rig Exchange server is responding very slow or not at all.


    That might work after a reboot, but is not the correct way of deleting preferences. OS X usually keeps a copy of it in memory, so deleting does not change anything immediately. The correct way would be to use the defaults command in Terminal. Anyway, as long as the Connect test in the Rig Manager preference window passes, your preferences are not the problem.
    According to the log file, everything is fine. I suspect a (temporary) Rig Exchange server problem.

  • Thanks for your reply - now I know a bit more :)

    But it is still strange that the server isn't responding since this afternoon - also there is no message in the status bar saying that it tries to connect (I think I saw something like that some time ago)

  • I found another config - deleted this and the other one using the defaults command:

    defaults delete ~/Library/Preferences/de.RigManager.Kemper Amps.plist
    defaults delete ~/Library/Preferences/com.kempermusic.rigmanager.plist

    Also deleted the other local files:
    rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Kemper\ Amps/RigManager

    And the Initial DB which gets installed if there is no one in Application Support:
    sudo rm /Applications/Rig\

    REBOOTED (As I learned above, MacOS keeps a copy of configs in memory || )

    Started Rig Manager and it finally asked me for my login data and started syncing!
    Now Rig Manager is up to date again!!!!! :thumbup:

    After that I restored the initial db:
    sudo cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kemper\ Amps/RigManager/RigExchange.db /Applications/Rig\

    I still don't know what the problem was, but now I have two new files in ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager:
    RigExchange.xml and RigExchangePriv.xml
    These weren't created when I last removed this directory ...

    Now when I start Rig Manager and open Rig Exchange I see the message "Downloading Rigs" in my status bar again :thumbup: